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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Another Day, Another Left Wing Hate Crime Hoax

The Texas man who sued Whole Foods Market for allegedly writing an anti-gay slur on his cake has admitted that it was a hoax. Jordan Brown dropped his lawsuit against Whole Foods and has now apologized.

Brown alleged that he went to Whole Foods Market and bought a cake and had a bakery associate write “Love Wins” on it. He then claimed the associate wrote a homophobic slur instead.

From Fox News:

The Texas pastor who sued Whole Foods in April for allegedly writing a gay slur on a cake he bought withdrew his lawsuit on Monday and apologized to the supermarket chain for perpetrating a hoax, KVUE reported.

"The company did nothing wrong," openly gay pastor Jordan Brown wrote in a Monday statement. "I was wrong to pursue this matter and use the media to perpetuate this story."

Brown said in April that he requested a cake from Whole Foods with the phrase “Love Wins” written on it, but when he received his cake there was a homophobic remark added. Brown made the accusation in an Internet video and launched a lawsuit shortly thereafter.

But alert viewers quickly pointed out that the icing style used to write “Love Wins” and the gay slur appeared to differ, and Whole Foods released surveillance video showing the cake being purchased with the UPC code in a different location than Brown's video, suggesting the cake had been opened and tampered with.

The baker who sold Brown the cake is gay. A subsequent internal Whole Foods investigation cleared him of the allegations.

Brown did say why made up the story. Whole Foods has countersued Brown and there’s no word if they have dropped their own countersuit.
Hopefully, Whole Foods continues its suit against Brown. There has to be a public example made of those who invent these types of hoaxes.

Source: AAN


  1. Whites are being blamed for all sorts of false accusations. It's got to stop. I hope our Leo's , prosecutors and judges realize this when it falls in front of them.

  2. This botthead claims to be a "Revrund". Can we get a photograph of this arsehat?

  3. This is offensive and I want him publicly shamed on every media outlet for weeks. Oh wait no that only happens to white males.

  4. Whole Foods needs to follow up on their countersuit and he needs to resign from his position. Being actively gay goes against the Bible. And if you can somehow manage to justify that, there is "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor". I don't see any way to justify shattering that one!


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