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Sunday, May 29, 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Two Students Run Over By Vehicle At Stephen Decatur

Berlin and Ocean Pines Fire/EMS on scene at Stephen Decatur High School. Male and female students run over by a vehicle. Both patients flown to shock trauma by Trooper 4.


  1. hats off to the fire/ems providers.they were very professional,and quick with their actions.pray for all involved,and the first responders that have to deal with this stuff on a regular basis!

  2. Word is that it was another student by accident.

    1. It was an accident by another student

  3. When the drivers name comes out, no one will be surprised. Product of a dysfunctional family.

    1. To the comment left at 10:32, this has nothing to do with someone's upbringing. It very well could have been a complete accident. There are 2 injured students and this is all you have to say? You need help.

    2. How dare you say something like that about that child. This person feels nothing but sorry for what they did. You must be one hell of a perfect person to be able to say that about another persons child.

    3. The student was high they found weed in his car and his mom is a sub teacher for worcester county lol this was the drivers fault and the school is covering it up

    4. I'm sorry, but I personally know the driver, he was a friend of mine last year in English class. Hes actually very nice. Just because someone smokes weed doesn't mean they're a bad person. as stated it was an accident. I know for a fact he would never personally hurt someone, let a lone a fly. The female has also stated she forgave him, there's no need to be a prick about the issue. It's sad on all parties.

  4. 10:32. It says a lot about you that you would say something like that. What does a horrible accident have to do with someone's upbringing. Also, sounds like you weren't taught being polite and kind.

  5. Agree with 1130 comment. Sad story prayers to everyone. And thank u for all who are responding to the scene

  6. Teens should Not be driving at school.

    1. 12:24. This could've happened to anyone being a teen has nothing to do with it. Teens should drive to school because some of their parents cant provide transportation and their parents don't want then riding a bus

  7. I hope it works out for everybody involved. Reminds me of the time a student at SD ran in front of RT. 50 traffic including me in the dark at the light. I tracked that young man down an spoke to him. Unfortunately it is a never ending educational process. Sometimes you happily save one and sadly lose another.

  8. Prayers for the two students who are currently receiving medical treatment and for the person, whether student or staff, that was operating the vehicle that caused the accident. Prayers for all involved.

    10:32, I will pray for you. People with so called "good" and "normal" families also commit crimes, do drugs, abuse people, lie, cheat and steal, so just because a person as you say is part of a dysfunctional family, means absolutely nothing.

    Thank you to the rescue personnel for doing a great job.

  9. The girl has a few fractures and internal bleeding as for the boy I have heard no updates

  10. Last heard the boy had some scrapes and bruises but they were still assessing. Prayers for all 3 children and their families.

  11. Prayers to all involved. And I agree what's being part of a dysfunctional family or ones up bringing have to do with one's driving? This WAS an accident and I am sure whoever was driving is feeling just awful about this. I cannot imagine how they must feel.

  12. The comments about the driver will prove to be true. Reckless, exactly like his dad. Just watch.

    1. You are such an inconsiderate person.

    2. You will face your own demons, until then karma will take over. Watch yourself

  13. 2:14 what does his dad have to do with this? Looked him up on case search.....nothing reckless. It's weird that you keep referring to this child's parents.

  14. Everyone always says its the parents faults. I'm not a parent. I'm a seventeen year old child and I know that no matter how hard my parents try they are not with me at every minute and cant control everything I do. These kids parents had nothing to with the accident and since u want to keep referring to his dad and parents why don't u stop being a coward and actually put your name instead of u keep putting anonymous

  15. Replying to the Anonymous comment at 4:04 PM, what you said is a complete rumor. The driver is a good friend of mine and I was there the whole time. The driver was not under the influence of anything, no one found anything in his car because there was nothing in his car in the first place, and it is no individual's fault. It was an accident. He feels absolutely awful about what happened and the fact that you feel the need to spread ignorance, rumors, and straight up lies to the public is a shame. If you don't know the facts, please don't attempt to act like you do. I am disgusted by the people in our community. Two kids were hospitalized and people are attacking the driver and his parents, blaming his mistake on his upbringing and false rumors. Why can't we all just pray for the two students and focus on making them feel better.Thank you to everyone who is doing just that.

  16. Product of a dysfunctional family? Why would anyone try to bring an entire family down during a horrible accident that affected THREE families? This is disturbing. I do know the driver and he was deeply upset as was his family. He has spoken to the young girl who understands there was no malicious act behind it. He is devastated. This is nothing he would ever laugh about. I find it surprising that the young woman's family is asking to keep everyone in their prayers including the young man who was driving, yet there are those that want to persecute a child and his WHOLE family over an accident. And, as for the "CONCERNED PARENT", please publish your name, so I can make sure my kids are no where near your pious, self righteous excuse of a human being. You are disgusting.


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