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Friday, April 15, 2016

USAF Senior MSGT Ejected for Reference to 'God'

There has been yet another recent example of Barack Obama’s top-down effort to eradicate any reference to faith by military personnel. MSGT Chuck Roberson invited retired Senior MSGT Oscar Rodriguez Jr. to conduct a traditional flag retirement as part of Roberson’s own retirement ceremony. But when Rodriguez arrived at Travis Air Force Base for his friend’s small retirement gathering of family and friends, he was met by security personnel. Those personnel had been ordered by the base commander to warn Rodriguez that he had to stick to a script that did not reference “God.”

Rodriguez didn’t make the rank of Senior MSGT because he was a pushover. He stood for his part in the ceremony — in civilian clothing we note — and began his flag recitation, ignoring the warning. He was immediately seized by security personnel (as seen in the video below), and forcibly removed from the ceremony — to the alarm of the guests gathered there to honor MSGT Roberson.

According to Lt. Col. Robert Couse-Baker at Travis AFB, the Air Force “respects and defends the right to free speech and religious expression.” But Couse-Baker added, “Rodriguez ignored numerous requests to respect the Air Force prescribed ceremony and unfortunately was forcibly removed. We will continue to investigate the situation fully.” Fact is, Rodriguez was removed for exercising his First Amendment rights at a voluntary retirement ceremony. He is now a civilian, and his remarks were delivered in that capacity.

More here


  1. Demons of hell are loose

  2. What are people like these thinking?
    One Nation, Under God....

  3. Only 9 months and a couple days left until a certain family departs from 1600 Penn Ave.


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