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Friday, April 15, 2016

Conservative Rebellion over Puerto Rico ‘Bailout’

Congress’ bid to rescue Puerto Rico from its debt crisis is turning into yet another test for House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, and the early signs are not good, with one conservative lawmaker accusing leaders of gagging rank-and-file Republicans to keep them from scuttling the relief package.

Republicans had hoped to clear the bill through the Natural Resources Committee on Thursday in anticipation of a floor vote next week, but the committee vote was scuttled Wednesday evening after party leaders decided they needed more time to work out a compromise with Democrats and the Obama administration.

Democratic support will be needed to make up for the loss of conservative Republicans who rebelled against the bill, calling it a “bailout,” and who accused their own leaders of trying to silence them by ordering them not to offer amendments or to demand a roll-call vote.

“In all my time in Congress, no one has ever asked me to do something quite like this,” said Rep. John Fleming, Louisiana Republican. “This is the kind of ‘go along’ politics Americans and I are tired of. Any time we don’t have full transparency, we have a bad outcome.”

More here


  1. Should be no bailout, sell this country to the highest bidder!

  2. The people on this island pathetic. They are protected from non-payment for something like 6 months before any action can be taken to evict or obtain payment. At that time, they simply get a flight to NYC where they sign up for more months of welfare there. Just one big circle of moving back and forth that the taxpayers fund.

    Why would any sane individual vote to BAIL THEM OUT (again)?

  3. What part of our country's $19T deficit does the DC elitists not understand? We don't have money to bailout anyone! Period. Basic math tells any fool this so why are our legislators continuing to spend, spend, spend? This has become a mental illness with them. The government needs to be FORCED to live within it's means just like everyone else.

  4. We should not borrow any money to give away with no payback to any bailout from our Government. I have to pay my bills on a set schedule that does not have a small time frame. I am still paying off college loans and I am in my 50's. The Government wants to give away money then pay off my debts with no payback. I forgot, brain cramp, I still pay taxes to pay back this "free No pay back" money.


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