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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

This Courageous Clinton Victim Won't Keep Quiet Any Longer

The woman whom Bill Clinton paid $850,000.00 to resolve claims he sexually assaulted hasn’t forgotten how treacherous the Clinton family is. 

"The media is more worried about Trumps campaign manager holding back a stalker with force than they are about Hillary's true crimes and deceit!" Paula Jones posted on her personal Facebook page. "REALLY???"

Jones was an Arkansas state employee who, on May 8, 1991, was asked to meet with then-Governor Clinton in a Little Rock hotel room. There, she claims, he exposed himself to her and asked her to perform a sexual act. 

She initially kept quiet, but later sued Clinton for sexual harassment. It was during the deposition phase of that suit that Clinton lied under oath about doing the same thing another employee, Monica Lewinsky.

Source: AAN

1 comment:

  1. She's a fellow Demcrat, can't uphold a promise, honor a deal, or otherwise be an honorable person.

    What do you expect?


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