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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Carson: GOP 'willing to throw the election' to have Clinton beat Trump

Former Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson is charging that the anti-Donald Trump GOP establishment is "willing to throw the election" and let Hillary Rodham Clinton win because they view her as easier to work with than the businessman.

"You see the Republican establishment willing to throw the election and give it to Hillary rather than have Mr. Trump in there, because they know that at least with Hillary, even though they have lots of disagreements, essentially she's one of them and they can continue with their positions and their power," Carson said in an interview with FastForward Magazine.

Carson told the student magazine that he believes both parties are corrupted by power.

And he said that the lesson he learned during his up and down presidential bid was that nobody can be trusted.

More here


  1. She needs to be discredited in bold faced, underlined type on a front page or two, starting in Jupiter, FL.
    And then prosecuted for filing a false report.

  2. this is even more reason for me to vote for trump.

  3. I thought Carson was endorsing Trump?

  4. And I totally believe Ben Carson as well. He has nothing to lose by saying this, and the truth is playing itself out from the GOP hucksters.

    I'm voting for Trump ESPECIALLY if he gets kicked to the curb by the criminal elite.

  5. Dr. Carson again speaks the truth.

  6. If anyone here was ever in doubt that the RNC is in bed with the DNC, here's the DIRECT evidence and actual admittance that they are so in bed together they are virtually the same party.

    They both together oppose Trump, the PEOPLE'S choice!

    How dare they, after running Trump on their own ticket?

    If you get this dichotomy, then be ready for a very violent result when Trump is kicked to the curb by his own "Party"


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