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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Subject: COPS: Fields's BF Used Family Ties To Push Prosecution, Video Confirms Secret Service Report

New video evidence confirms that Michelle Fields was, in fact, told to back up by Secret Service during that infamous Trump rally in Jupiter, Florida.

GotNews.com has two different police sources that have told us that Michelle Fields’s boyfriend Jamie Weinstein and his family have been pushing Palm Beach County authorities to prosecute Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

Sources within Fox News and in the conservative commentariat claim that Weinstein is pushing them to cover the story in a way favorable to his girlfriend despite little evidence to substantiate her claims.


  1. Little evidence except of course the actual video.

  2. All she wanted was them to say they were sorry.

  3. All we want is for her to go away.

  4. Video evidence asks her to just go away, because nothing of the sort ever happened.

    Time to move on...


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