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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Congress Investigating Obama Iran Deal

Congress is investigating whether the Obama administration has been offering concessions or rewriting the terms of the nuclear deal with Iran, reported the Washington Free Beacon.

"The gap between their promises on the Iran nuclear deal and today's scary reality continues to widen," said Rep. Mike Pompeo. "We are now trying to determine whether this was intentional deception on the part of the administration or new levels of disturbing acquiescence to the Iranians."
One issue is Secretary of State John Kerry's claim that ballistic tests were part of the deal, but the administration's later comments that they are outside the deal.

Hamid Bayeedinejad, Iran's director general for political and international security affairs at foreign ministry, said to Fars News Agency that their ballistic missile program is outside the ban.

Another issue centers around Treasury Department statements that suggest the U.S. is allowing Iran access to the U.S. financial system after Iran demanded it.

"The Obama administration is involved in yet another sleight of hand on sanctions relief as well as the status of U.N. missile sanctions," said Mike Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

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