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Monday, April 25, 2016

Police Takedown


  1. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  2. Looked legit to me!! Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time!

  3. I am not for cops doing this to people, but I don't think there is any other way to have stopped the fighting and kept people from getting hurt... I much rather see this than a taser or a gun or a baton...

    This just shows you cops can stop things without 10 cops by his side to so called help!!!!

  4. He will lose his job for imagine that - doing his job!

  5. Hey kids,
    If you are going to make a video for the rest of us, point the camera at the action! This is a lousy video effort. You get an F

  6. Awesome Take Down Deputy!!

    BTW anyone caught with camera phones and video taping events on school property should have their phones confiscated and they should be suspended. All this does is encourage the fighting.

    1. It also protects them against bullying and not so good teachers. If a lot of things weren't caught on video in schools we would never hear about it.

  7. Ask nicely to stop trying to kill each other if they don't listen then watch. No videos to be picked apart by people who don't carry a gun for living.

  8. 209 other the police give 10 examples off how kids having cells phones has stopped bullying or bad teachers??


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