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Monday, April 25, 2016

Miami hospital fires doctor who berated Uber driver in viral video

A Miami doctor, whose actions were widely ridiculed after a video surfaced three months ago of her having a meltdown after an incident with an Uber driver, was fired Friday.

The Miami Herald reported that Jackson Health System officials released a statement saying that fourth-year neurology resident Anjali Ramkissoon would be terminated. She was placed on administrative leave in January after the video of her tantrum surfaced.

On the video Ramkissoon, wearing white shorts and an orange shirt, slaps the Uber driver and kicks him in the groin.

After she is pushed to the ground, she gets up and jumps into the passenger seat of the Uber vehicle.



  1. If that had been my car she would have been hurt severely.
    I would have pummelled her into the pavement.

  2. Dude needs to grow a pair.

  3. 12:04 Not in FL. You may talk big on the blog and in MD. In FL pretty much everyone conceal carries. She may have been drunk and acting foolishly, but if you "pummelled her into the pavement", someone would have put you down.

  4. I think she is hot and would drive her anywhere.

  5. Me, me, me, me, me, meeeeeeeee!!


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