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Sunday, April 24, 2016

One Reason Why A Select Group Of "Mexicans" Were Removed From Berlin Trump Rally

Pictures Speak Volumes


  1. The girl shooting video with her phone as she cursed out authority and refusing initially to leave peacefully shall be remembered by many employers on Delmarva. Had a feeling there was something more to this eviction as many people were coexisting in that gym without incident. Apparently she and her cohorts didn't learn respect. Had they gotten that 411 early in life, she wouldn't have been evicted from the rally in the first place. I'm glad she clarified in the video she was from Mexico and not from this area. Hope local kids act a little better than this young girl.

  2. Lack of space always creates trouble.The Harrington venue is better,but why not use the grandstand? Already scheduled maybe?

  3. This is their regular employment. They get paid well to try to disrupt Trump's gatherings.

  4. Gosh! And I hope that other Board of Ed teachers and supervisors know how to behave better than those buffoons behind Mr. Trump in the stage!

  5. If they hate this country so much do themselves and the rest of us a favor and leave...quickly!

  6. Has anyone noticed how young a lot of these protesters are? They do not even look of age to vote so who has put them up to protesting? Sad state when an adult will put a child out there to protest. Then you wonder what is wrong society!!

  7. Disrespectful foreigners should be deported! Period! God bless the USA!!!

  8. They sneak in across the border get free money break our laws and disrespect American citizens and they wonder why we want a wall.

  9. There were children in attendance. They should't be trying to remove their tops.

  10. Put them in the front seat of the bus headed back to mexico!


  11. What I don't understand is that we are the people who voted our govt. officials in positions that has allowed these people in America.Illegals are still coming to America,they are given our jobs,our homes,and our lifestyles. I don't blame them for their behavior I blame our elected officials and Americans for electing these buttholes to run our country.

  12. Those in the photo are students at SDHS. The students on the floor in front of me (all the way up to the podium front and center) were not there to support Trump. They were there to talk about doing heroin and cocaine this weekend. When Trump came out all they did was flip him off while taking selfies. I was very disappointed in what I saw, but then again, I dont expect many good manners from students these days.

  13. Or MAYBE, they are educated and are protesting Trump's negative assault on their country by generalizing it's people? A concept that may be hard for some of you to grasp however foreign does not mean stupid. Remember that this nation is a melting pot.

    1. They should move BACK ,

    2. A melting pot, NOT come to this country and make it a mini version of the country you letf5! You need to act human and American to be here!

    3. Can anyone point me to a link where Trump physically (from his mouth on video)'said all Mexicans should be deported? I can only recall him saying ILLEGAL immigrants should be deported and be made to enter the US legally. PLEASE post one here....I'm sick of the tired rhetoric with no facts. I'm undecided on party and candidate because I am split depending on the issue. It makes me ill how divided we are through "he said, she said". That's not educated, that's INDOCTRINATED.

  14. I don't care who they support, all should be investigated by the police! Anon 12:11 confirms what I heard from others in attendance.

  15. There were so many thousands of people who really wanted to hear Mr. Trump speak that evening and because of these lowlifes in their Mexico attire kept those who stood for hours to see him from getting in. Along with many of the students from SDHS who could have cared less and took up valuable seating. Go back to Mexico -BUILD THE WALL!

  16. Send them home Donald.

  17. Secret Service put an end to all outdoor venues for Trump. It's been that was for a bit for him. It's why they didn't move outside at Stephen Decatur. They don't have the man power or resources to protect him in a outdoor venue that allows huge open areas with good ranges. Trump wanted to speak outside SD the other night and was told no.

  18. There is no substitute for a good old fashioned beat down. Some of these people just need some physical persuasion.

    1. So, beating up teenaged girls is your vision of how America should be? You are a cretin.


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