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Sunday, April 24, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Jim Ireton Washington Gay Paper

Joe - Look at the link. This is a DC gay paper article Ireton is putting around on the web.  It's about gay and transgender people running in MD for Congress. The paper does a side by side picture with the other transsexual person running.  The pictures are side by side and it made me laugh because it looks like how Ireton would look as a transsexual.  Haha.  Take a look. It's like which one is Ireton? or is it Ireton in drag?  What in the world does a transsexual have with him? or running for Congress? He just is embarrassing. I have gay friends and family members. I really don't care but with all the issues on the Shore with jobs, farms, etc what in the world does Ireton sleeping with men have to do with us? with our needs?  I won't vote for him because I think he is crazy especially what he did to that Salisbury employee (woman) that he attacked.
Two LGBT Democrats who are running for Congress will be on the ballot in next week’s Maryland primary.

Kristin Beck, a transgender former U.S. Navy SEAL, is running against House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) in the state’s 5th Congressional District that includes Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s Counties and portions of Anne Arundel and Prince George’s Counties.

Beck writes on her website that southern Maryland “must decide whether we keep heading down the path we are on or do we make some kind of change for the better.” The former U.S. Navy SEAL accused Hoyer of “concentrating so much” on bailing out banks and other “huge issues” when she spoke with the Washington Blade last year after declaring her candidacy.

“It seems like the district has been forgotten,” said Beck.

A report that Beck’s campaign filed with the Federal Election Commission on July 15, 2015, indicates she raised $6,125 in the second quarter of last year. The FEC notes that she did not submit reports for the third and fourth quarters of 2015.
Ireton: Equality is ‘cornerstone’ of American life

Gay former Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton is challenging U.S. Rep. Andy Harris (R-Md.) in Maryland’s 1st Congressional District that includes all of the Eastern Shore.

Ireton makes a broad reference to LGBT rights on his website.

“Equality is the cornerstone of the American way of life,” he writes. “Everyone should be able to earn the same pay for the same work and have access the same to goods and services regardless of gender, race, creed, or who they love.”

A report that Ireton’s campaign filed with the FEC indicates he raised $31,576 from Jan. 1- March 31 of this year. He had slightly more than $10,000 in cash on hand at the end of the first quarter of 2016.


Joe, I also came across this.  Speaking of women.  So he says Harris has a War on Women and here that he won't defend women's rights.  Where did Ireton become a champion of women? When? He has done so many things AGAINST WOMEN from what I read in your web articles.  This guy is amazing.  Like almost that he is some psycho or pathological liar. It reminds me of my grandson when I catch him sneaking a cookie and he shoves it in his pocket and puts his empty hands up and says what cookie? Ireton is like a child!


  1. If someone is transgender, and changes their name, how can they be entitled to any references to their prior identity? The former person no longer exists, so they should not be able to benefit in any way to that former name. For anything. No financial benefits of any kind. If you don't love yourself enough to remain that person then you forfeit EVERYTHING that you accumulated Olympic medals, pension, royalties, EVERYTHING. Recently I saw an episode of Chips; the now deceased, for all intents and purposes, Bruce Jenner was a police officer and the person is now shown as Caitlyn Jenner appeared in that episode -- NO Caitlyn Jenner did NOT appear in that episode, that person did not exist at the time of production; since Mr. Jenner no longer exists, no royalties should be paid out.
    No need to comment on this, I am entitled to my opinion, just as you are.

  2. Soooo, a changeling and a wrongling are running on the dumbocrat side! What has the dumbocrat party evolved into?!

    We really need some common-sense conservative leadership instead of the current 'hold-handle-down-while-flushing' direction we are going in!

  3. Hopefully Jimmie is teaching a reading class or a language arts lesson right now. Maybe he got reeled in by BOE for mingling with the Verizon non-workers.

  4. Ireton never had much of a male role model at home, his father being mostly absent, often in jail and now in state prison. Brought up by his mother and several sisters as the baby of the family, he never outgrew the whining, petulant child that he was raised to be.

  5. Flaunting one's gayness to bring attention to it is annoying and low class. So is highlighting the gayness aspect of someone's personality to focus attention on it.

  6. The push this transgender crap in our public schools it needs to stop.

  7. Two Silver Stars and a Purple Heart beats a not-so-dedicated school teacher.

  8. IREton and people like him are always seeking special treatment. I have a few homosexual friends who do not flaunt their lifestyle as the ones you always see in the media protesting for special rights and such.

  9. Yay for Maryland! Simply sad for this state and our country.

  10. Ireton's campaign tactics have always been disingenuous. He'll tell you what you want to hear but do only what he wants. It's gotten lots worse since he aligned himself with the likes of Chuck Cook, the head Kool Aid mixer.

  11. This country is in a bad mental state when this kind of crap is accepted and worse yet gets public attention. Yea we need people like this making decisions for us in congress. They can't even control their own self turmoil let alone deal with making passing laws that effect all

  12. I won't vote gay/bi/transgender/transvestite. If they are confused about the way God made them as a male or female, then they are confused about making decisions as best for the people. If GBTT were supposed to be right, then nature would have affixed 2 same sex couples with the ability to procreate.

  13. Ireton is a pathological liar. Pathological lying is a trait common in all democrats. They are just not good people. Anyone who can align themselves with a party who supports an organization that the administrators were caught on tape saying "we have to keep it alive until we get the organs" is a very wicked and evil people. They rate right there with Hitler. A special place in hell awaits all democrats. Each and every single one of them. They can fool others but God sees and knows what is in their hearts and He is going to punish all of them with an eternity spent burning in hell.

  14. If Andy Harris is smart he'd print that picture with Ireton and the trans sexual and send it to the people in our district. I don't know Jim Ireton. I have seen him at Market Street when we go for dinner and he's boozing up and acting not quite manly. I just don't know why the Democrats can't find a normal acting man or woman of accomplishment. I mean Ireton is a school teacher. Not a great one as I read on here and is dangerous to children. He leaches off the public dollar with all his jobs. I am a registered Democrat but I won't be voting for him on Tuesday and I won't be voting for him in November. Seeing that picture on here confirmed why I will never vote for Ireton. Oh and one more thing. He was hiding the fact he was gay I heard and NOW all of a sudden now that it's become acceptable he is pushing it in everyone's face. Awful.

  15. 11:37 AM -- I would add, "You'll have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" to the my-way-or-the-highway mindset of Dems.

  16. Jim actually looks pretty good in that blue dress and makeup on.

  17. I am confused. Is that Jim on the left or the right? Or is that his girlfriend Ryan Hughes all dressed up for a night out of the town with ole Jimmy to booze it up at Market Street? lol!

  18. Haha. Ryan Hughes isn't a looker as a dude. I guess he'd look like that photograph--- an ugly woman. lol.

  19. This gave me a good laugh. I'll walk out of Roadie's if I see Ryan Hughes and Jim Ireton dressed as women but it wouldn't shock me in the least with those freaks. Our country is in trouble. Big trouble.

  20. That must be a tough battle between Ryan Hughes and Ireton on who is the woman. Hahahaha. They can dress as women all they want. God made Adam and Eve ***not*** Adam and Steve. And he certainly didn't want men he created to chop off their parts and dress as women. All going to hell.

  21. I'd like to see all the "tough guy" posting about TG people using restrooms stop Kristin Beck from using the women's room! Navy Seal even in a dress is gonna win.

  22. I know someone with Jims drag pictures from Deleware


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