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Sunday, April 03, 2016

Do You Really Give A Crap Where People Are?

Facebook is loaded with people who are so obsessed, (yes, grown adults) they will share ANYTHING. OK, you're at Red Lobster, MAYBE NOBODY IS HOME RIGHT NOW! Think!

I don't need to see your newly done nails. I don't need to see you still love your husband/wife after 10+ years of marriage. I don't need you shoving God down everyone's throats and try to get share or likes. 

Please stop filling Facebook up with CRAP. 

LIKE or SHARE if you agree. LOL


  1. I don't give a crap about Facebook for just such reasons as these.
    What a waste of time. Why does anyone bother with it anyway?

  2. facebook is for stupid people. Get off it now.

  3. Been off facebook since 2013. Don't miss it a damn bit.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Goodness, just unfollow them or unfriend them....

  6. It's become insane---people facebooking when they use the bathroom---this country is so full of self-absorbed shallow people

  7. This is sooo true! I was on for a while,
    but got off after I saw what it was all about.
    My neighbor put on when she's away on vacation.
    How stupid can you get people!
    I think it's mostly " Self-Serving" too!

  8. I have to agree. I don't see what the fascination with Facebook is at all. The most valuable thing people have is their privacy and it's amazing how they will give it away to Facebook.
    I think the worst is when they put pictures and the names of their young children on FB. They would act appalled and offended if someone stuck a magnetic sign on their vehicle with the picture and names of their children on it but then sell their children's lives and souls to strangers on FB. It's disturbing to say the least.

  9. I like reading about people's lives and things that make them happy. HOWEVER, I don't need to know what you are doing every second of the day. And I have never "checked in" anywhere, and nor do I plan to. The most idiotic people are the ones that post pics when they are on vacation, especially the ones where I know for a fact their house is empty. What are people thinking?

  10. amen Joe. Also anyone over the age of 25 who posts selfies has some serious issues. We also don't need to see pictures of what you are eating.

  11. I think it's crazy how put their address, phone number, birthday, place of employment etc. in their "about" screen. How crazy can you get? Can you say identity theft? Or just theft in general? LOL!

  12. If they are at Red Lobster, chances are that there is not much to steal in their double wide.

  13. The governments way to keep track of you while you blatantly let them do so.

  14. 3:15 I Love it,they probably left their door open too

  15. You won't likely find many former NSA employers there. Somehow, it's contrary to their indoctrination. At the same time, you won't find many recruits for NSA either.

  16. 3:15, why do you think only people that live in double wides eat at Red Lobster? Inquiring minds would like to know.

  17. Oh, Bob and Helen, you're at Red Lobster, good! Remember the taste for when you go to a real seafood restaurant.

  18. 4:35 Because he/she is a shoretard.

    PS. Facebook is the gateway to heroin!

  19. 4:35 Why would anyone that lives on the eastern shore, where fresh seafood is abundant year round, go to eat at a chain restaurant that serves frozen seafood dishes that are heated up on premises? Red Lobster is one short step above fast food like McDonalds. Not really known for attracting customers of wealth or taste.

  20. I don't think the government cares what the bumpkins on the Eastern Shore ate for dinner or how many Christmas gifts they got. They have bigger fish to fry. Everyone thinks they are being watched because they are so important.

  21. I do not Face Book because I could not stop myself from telling stupid people exactly what they are!!

  22. 2:56, I'm not on Facebook very often but when I do go on there I see more CRAP. Local businesses posting several times a day, you can't ignore or remove them. Maybe I'm not well versed with how to manage Facebook, I don't know. What I do know is that I am sick of seeing peoples fingers or toes cut off and then sewn back together, REALLY?

    I go to Facebook to catch up on Family and old Friends. If you have to publish pictures of you kissing your spouse and ACTING like you are so deeply in love with them still, you're full of crap. The people who ARE in love would NEVER shove pictures like that on Facebook and guess what, my TRUE friends know how much I love my Wife. I could gave a crap about what ANYONE else thinks.

    I'll go there to keep in touch, as mentioned earlier. However, I'm going to start putting in the word "CRAP" on every post I see where I feel people are being stupid. This way they can unfriend ME and I won't have to worry about figuring out how to manage Facebook.

  23. 5:29 PM - Yet, on any given night, their parking lot is packed. Part of it is the TV advertising featuring scrumptious looking lobster tails and an endless supply of butter.

  24. "Anonymous said...

    You won't likely find many former NSA employers there. Somehow, it's contrary to their indoctrination. At the same time, you won't find many recruits for NSA either.

    March 29, 2016 at 4:02 PM"

    You won't see anyone who has a family member in an executive position either. Company security frowns upon it and if older children get one company security will monitor and suggest certain info removed if deemed sensitive. Families of executives are at risk for kidnapping etc.

  25. Just watch what you put on there. I go there to connect with friends and family out of state. Don't put anything on there that you don't the world to know then you will be ok. map

  26. Maybe you are too old for facebook.

  27. UPDATE!! I'm home right now!!!! Just in case you were curious.

  28. 7:07 If you are still using FB, you are old....it is so 2009.

  29. well then, what are we supposed to fill it up with?

  30. March 29, 2016 at 2:51 PM The wise one I see.

    Let’s clear the clutter. This world is over filled with people whom are extroverts. Extroverts make up about three-quarters of the American population, and as such come in all stripes. They zip through the world in search of novel experiences, social connections, and leadership opportunities.

    Extroversion is a core factor of personality and is difficult to modify. An extrovert is a friendly person who enjoys talking to and being with other people. Extroverts love parties, talking on the phone, and meeting new people.

    Extroverts want you to pay attention to them and what they think is important. See what I got? See what I did? See where I am? HEY LOOK AT ME, here’s my SELFIE.

    These people are delusional. They think someone else cares to know while the other extroverts don’t give a hoot. Hey, look at ME.

    These are the same stupid people who NEED to SEE a face of some stupid ignoramus stand (or sit) in front of a camera pretending to give you news. They are de-learning to read. Can you remember the phone numbers of those you call often?

    Oh. I’m sorry, are you an introvert? Just as bad. Is there a middle ground?

    Call me on the phone, come to see me, I need a hug. Feel my body touch yours?

    I can’t do that, look (like me) for me on Facebook.

    By the way, just wanted everyone to know, I’m gone on vacation, see what I’m eating? I’m not a home, see my selfie? PLEASE LIKE ME!

    I’m’ so screwed. I digress. PLEASE LIKE ME!

    Need to pick up phone and hear your voice.

  31. If you have the facebook app on your phone and allow it to update your info its likely they doent even know that their information is being posted. Facebook is nothing but a government subsidized way to keep track of you and your activities.

  32. I am a process server & have profited immensely by virtue of my targets posting their whereabouts.95% of those who I am searching for are on social media.I will walk into a church,restaurant,Dr's office,or classroom to serve papers if they are stupid enough to give their location.

  33. Idiots stop telling every drug addict to come to your house and steal what you have worked for. These people have no life I guess Joe. Who gives a sh*t you are the mall or any other mundane thing you may be doing. Sad times

  34. If you don't like it then don't get on it! Not exactly rocket science. But then again, if you don't get on it then you won't have anything to complain about. That's all this website does, complain!


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