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Sunday, April 03, 2016

Breaking News: Multiple Fire Departments Heading To Assist Salisbury

Parsonsburg, Pittsville and Powellville are headed to assist Salisbury with Decontamination at 319 Truit Street...... Possible meth lab?

Update: A neighbor said they found a dead body in the car (hearsay of course). If you enlarge the picture of the car behind Dealer’s warehouse, you will see something splattered in the window.


  1. Here's WBOC's big chance to report something about Salisbury.

    1. They won't haven't u peeps in the Bury realized that the local media is covering up crime so not to chase away the college parents $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  2. LOL, 7:27! They all got off at 5! They might download it by 9 tomorrow morning, IF it made the AP!

  3. I hope those 3 departments send a bill to Salisbury. Remember the bill they sent to Pittsville when they were asked to help the town with a leak

  4. Don't worry it hasn't been forgotten

  5. Bring in the Fireboat for a washdown!

  6. The buryyyyyyyyyyy is going Down.

  7. This place was once a marijuana grow house, busted by Colburn Dykes years ago.

  8. It amazes me WBOC never puts any of this stuff on the news. 47 will put some of it on there. Maybe it is for college parents...who knows. But the only way you know what is going on is on Salisbury News! Simple as that.

  9. Salisbury and the shore in general is just sleazy druggies

  10. Thank You for the updates!! Only news we have

  11. BTW, additional 3 photos provided by Berni Greene.

  12. Parsonsburg, Pittsville and Powellville are headed to assist Salisbury with Decontamination at 319 Truit Street...... Possible meth lab?

    That would be Parsonsburg, Pittsville, Powellville and Willards responding to assist Salisbury.

    Delmar transferred to Station 2, Hebron transferred to Station 16 and Parsonsburg transferred to Station 1 to cover fire calls. Then it finally dawned on them that they don't have anyone to cover the most important calls, the EMS calls. Bunch of idiots!

    What is interesting to point out is the fact that you know the paid Gods have been trying their best to run the volunteers away from the 3 stations. Well Richard A. Hoppes and Jonathan Tull have been very successful doing this so they can get more paid firemen. Well they did get their 12 paid grant fireman back.

    Something the tax payers haven't considered and the problem reared it's ugly head tonight. This call started out as a dispatch to Station 2 for a non breathing subject on Liberty Street. The paid fire engine from Station 16 responded immediately. Then Station 2 crew and Paramedic 2 responded. Central advised that the Salisbury Police Department was on the scene of the non breathing subject and their was a strong odor of bleach in the area. Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding! Wicomico 911 dispatchers screwed up again on this dispatch. What did they do wrong??? Strong odor of bleach reported by a reliable source, the Salisbury Police??? Haz Mat? Wicomico Central screwed up again like they did the other morning dispatching 1 ambulance to a location with 3(THREE) non breathing subjects. Tonight they dispatched an ambulance and a fire engine to a Hazardous Material call and it should have been an automatic Hazmat Call. This is where people get killed. Then the High and Might Brooks Morris from Delmar riding King on the fire Engine 16 hollars on the air "I want everyone to mask up before they go in there." Not once did he mask up when they decided the subject in the house on Liberty Street was a Priority 4. Then somehow it turn into 2 separate locations and the rest is history. Again the 911 Center ran by the County and the Fire Department ran by the City screw up again big time. They are not going to give up until they kill someone.

    Oh yeah, at one point King Morris requested the "transport unit" come over to his location. Central was like WTF is he talking about. They said please call me on the phone. What King Morris was talking about was an ambulance, but he is just to cool to ask for an ambulance he had to ask for a "transport unit." Anyway I could go on and on and on, but they wanted to transport a police officer to the hospital. Remember they don't where protective gear so they were walking all around that scene sniffing those fumes. Salisbury is going to kill someone just mark my word. The are to cool.

  13. Anonymous said...
    I hope those 3 departments send a bill to Salisbury. Remember the bill they sent to Pittsville when they were asked to help the town with a leak

    March 28, 2016 at 8:04 PM

    4 departments. Don't forget Willards Tanker and yes they did bill them.

  14. Fireboat S.S. Hopes is responding!

  15. Berni Greene said...
    BTW, additional 3 photos provided by Berni Greene.

    March 28, 2016 at 9:31 PM

    Oh Big Deal!! LOL

  16. Berni Greene said...
    BTW, additional 3 photos provided by Berni Greene.

    March 28, 2016 at 9:31 PM

    Is this the same Berni Greene that went on the attack mode with Barry Tilghman against Bob Cannon and Palmer Gillis back in the day?

  17. I just heard something interesting. Delmar Ambulance A74 was standing by for Station 2's Paramedic 2 and Central dispatched them to a chest pain call on London Avenue and they handled the call all by themselves without the help of a Paramedic.

    Why is it that the dumbass fire chiefs in the Salisbury Fire Department thinks that the paramedics have to be on an ambulance? Thank you Delmar A74 for taking that call and for your professionalism. Salisbury please take notes.

  18. That building used to be Doughtys Meats when I was a kid.Of course when I was a kid,Liberty Street and the surrounding area were still decent and full of working class American families,most of whom owned their homes.Now,thanks to urban sprawl and subsidized housing,its full of degenerates,thugs and so many Haitians it should be called "Little Haiti".Liberals destroy everything good.

    1. Blame the city council for allowing slums to prosper.

  19. You all are on here bitching about the wrong topic. Who gives a crap about SFD response, whether or not SFD and/or central screwed up, sending bills to other fire departments, etc?! You all are missing out of the REAL problem here - DRUGS! The City (as well as neighboring jurisdictions) are throwing a tremendous amount of resources at a problem tonight that City officials refuse to acknowledge and address. Wake up folks - SALISBURY HAS A DRUG AND CRIME PROBLEM! While Jake Day and our council are concentrating their efforts and resources on reviving Downtown Salisbury, they are neglecting the rest of the City. The City is turning into a sesspool driven by drugs and crime with very little being done about it. The first step to recovery and solving a problem is to admit that the problem exists.

    I'm more concerned with the fact that this occurred within a mile of my home. I'm more concern with the fact that I drive within 100 yards of this incident everyday. I'm more concerned with the fact that I have two young sons that play outside with all of this in such close proximity. So you can keep bitching about SFD all you all want, but nothing is going to change. Mismanaged or not, WE (the taxpayers) just paid for a lot of resources tonight to respond to a problem that could have possibly been prevented. Our City's leaders have enabled this event to happen. They have enable the City's resources to be mismanaged (as so many of you have stated). They allow all of this to happen by doing nothing. They have put US and OUR CHILDREN at risk by doing nothing. Is the POSSIBILITY of a revived Downtown Salisbury worth sacrificing the rest of the City? You all have been complaining about SFD for years now and nothing has changed so when you decide to get off of your high horse and start speaking up against the REAL problem then maybe something will get done around here.

    1. Really WOW did u just move here ??


  20. 11:15 I guess I have a few years on you, remembering Webb Packing Company at that location in the sixties.

  21. Anonymous said...
    You all are on here bitching about the wrong topic. Who gives a crap about SFD response, whether or not SFD and/or central screwed up, sending bills to other fire departments, etc?! You all are missing out of the REAL problem here - DRUGS! The City (as well as neighboring jurisdictions) are throwing a tremendous amount of resources at a problem tonight that City officials refuse to acknowledge and address. Wake up folks - SALISBURY HAS A DRUG AND CRIME PROBLEM! While Jake Day and our council are concentrating their efforts and resources on reviving Downtown Salisbury, they are neglecting the rest of the City. The City is turning into a sesspool driven by drugs and crime with very little being done about it. The first step to recovery and solving a problem is to admit that the problem exists.

    I'm more concerned with the fact that this occurred within a mile of my home. I'm more concern with the fact that I drive within 100 yards of this incident everyday. I'm more concerned with the fact that I have two young sons that play outside with all of this in such close proximity. So you can keep bitching about SFD all you all want, but nothing is going to change. Mismanaged or not, WE (the taxpayers) just paid for a lot of resources tonight to respond to a problem that could have possibly been prevented. Our City's leaders have enabled this event to happen. They have enable the City's resources to be mismanaged (as so many of you have stated). They allow all of this to happen by doing nothing. They have put US and OUR CHILDREN at risk by doing nothing. Is the POSSIBILITY of a revived Downtown Salisbury worth sacrificing the rest of the City? You all have been complaining about SFD for years now and nothing has changed so when you decide to get off of your high horse and start speaking up against the REAL problem then maybe something will get done around here.

    March 29, 2016 at 12:36 AM

    Who gives a flying fart about drugs. When did this become a government tax payer responsibility. Don't take drugs.... Problem solved.

  22. 8:42 Yes you do! My Aunt lived there in the early to mid 70's.Her home is now one of many slumlord houses rented to people who live rent free and destroy the neighborhood.

  23. 12:10 It's not that simple!!!! You can "just say no" all day long but that doesn't mean drugs can't touch your life.A meth lab is hazardous to more than just the cook-house and the cookers.Across the country ,fire departments and police can tell you that millions of dollars have been spent to clean up after these clandestine labs. Doverdale is a lost cause because of street corner sales that police "don't see" and the slumlords who rent to anyone with a housing voucher.

  24. Calm down people. It wasn't a meth lab. Not even close...

  25. This was an over blown cluster. Who was the shot caller on this one. They need some serious training on Meth Labs. This was totally screwed from the start.

  26. Again, You hose jockeys are a sensitive lot.

  27. They have been watching too many episodes of Braking Bad Lol. There is a intro level academy starting soon. Most of you on scene need it lol. WTF A Chicken Little Convention. Idiots just feed off of each other.


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