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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

This Candidate Tells the Truth About Democrats

Ted Cruz has a theory about why the Democrats want to keep illegal immigrants in this country:
John Hayward ‎@Doc_0

Cruz: Democrats support illegal immigration because they view illegal aliens as potential voters; GOP interests view them as cheap labor

As Townhall notes:

At Wednesday’s Democratic debate on Univision, Clinton and Sanders promisedpermanent homes to illegals currently in the country.

Taking a much different tone on Thursday, Cruz pledged to end federal funding to any sanctuary cities - cities where illegal immigrants do not have to be reported to authorities - as well as put an end to welfare benefits that are being funneled to illegals.

The writing is on the wall. Which ever Republican candidate you support, get out and vote. It's clear what's at stake.

Source: AAN


  1. I would vote republican but I need a new roof and my yard sodded

  2. 5:53 - Trying not to laugh, but I can't stop! Thank you, I needed that today.


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