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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Is a Key US Ally on the Brink of Nuclear War?

Americans are rightly concerned about the spread of ISIS in the Middle East and the lack of security on our southern border. But as of now, those should be the least of our concerns, as tensions between North and South Korea are now a threat to bubble over and start a nuclear war:

U.S. and South Korean troops staged a big amphibious landing exercise on Saturday, storming simulated North Korean beach defenses amid heightened tension and threats by the North to annihilate its enemies.

The landing and assault drills on South Korea's east coast were part of eight weeks of joint exercises between the allies which the South has said are the largest ever. The North has denounced the exercises as "nuclear war moves" and threatened to respond with an all-out offensive.

Tension on the Korean peninsula has been high since the North conducted its fourth nuclear test in January and followed that with a long-range rocket launch last month, triggering new U.N. sanctions.

About 55 U.S. marine aircraft and 30 U.S. and South Korean ships, including the USS Bonhomme Richard and USS Boxer, which carry AV-8B Harrier attack jets and V-22 Osprey aircrafts, took part in the assault on beaches near Pohang city, the U.S. navy said.

Source: AAN

1 comment:

  1. if north korea instigates war, I can see king Osama surrendering and our country will be renamed west korea


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