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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Subject: Hillary: World Leaders Asking to Endorse Me to Stop Trump

World leaders are calling her privately to ask if they can endorse her presidential campaign in hopes of stopping Donald Trump, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Sunday.

A Trump presidency would hurt America's standing in the world, Clinton argued.

"I am already receiving messages from leaders, and I am having foreign leaders ask if they can endorse me to stop Donald Trump," Clinton said during a CNN Democratic forum. "And I am like, 'No, this is up to Americans, thank you very much."

When asked by forum moderator Jake Tapper if she'd liked to identify any of the leaders who have endorsed her, Clinton declined.



  1. This is not worthy news because she's a proven liar.

  2. Is this because she transfers America's wealth to them ?

  3. With all the deals she's undoubtedly promised as former secstate and as a "free agent" I'm sure that some pretty big names don't want to see them sprout wings and fly away.
    Then again, she just might have had her staff plant this tidbit into the news and it's all baloney, which would be more in line with how she works.

  4. yeah....all the corrupt leaders...not surprised at that

  5. Leaders of other nations want the current POSPOTUS policies to continue to the detriment of this country and the benefit of theirs.....

  6. Sure they want to endorse Hillary.... Putin, Bowl cut, Chavez, Castro, the Chinese, the Mexicans....

  7. They want a bat phone to the white house and trump is the only one that will cut them off. This is even more reason to vote for trump. I am so sick of the system and Hillary working and milking it.

  8. The gravy train is almost over and they know it.

  9. This is the biggest balloon of hot air I've seen floated! All a bunch of made up idiocy with absolutely no backup nor proof in any way!

    It's a LOVELY story, and you tell it so well. with such ENTHUSIASM!


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