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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Meet the Nut Who Attacked Trump

The man who rushed the stage the other day in what appears to be an attempt to attack Donald Trump has been identified. In news that should be absolutely shocking to no one, he's a Bernie supporter! As the Daily Caller notes:

Tommy DiMassimo, the man who was tackled by Secret Service trying to rush the stage at a Trump rally, told CNN he did it because “Donald Trump is a bully.”

DiMassimo, 22, a Bernie Sanders supporter, is a senior at Wright State University. He’s also now facing a court date Wednesday on charges of disorderly conduct and inducing panic.

He thought he would be able to make it on stage and “take his podium away from him and take his mic away from him and send a message to all people out in the country who wouldn’t consider themselves racist, who wouldn’t consider themselves approving of what type of violence Donald Trump is allowing in his rallies, and send them a message that we can be strong, that we can find our strength and we can stand up against Donald Trump and against this new wave he’s ushering in of truly just violent white supremacist ideas.”

Another day, another college student who doesn't understand the meaning of free speech.

Source: AAN


  1. Helps Explain why college graduates can't find jobs

  2. Holy crap I literally just commented on this the other day. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF FREE SPEECH IF YOU THINK THIS COLLEGE STUDENT CAN TAKE YOURS AWAY. The only entity that can violate the 1st Amendment is the state or local government. Christ, you conservatives always get so worked up about the Constitution, you would think you'd at least understand it.

  3. "YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF FREE SPEECH IF YOU THINK THIS COLLEGE STUDENT CAN TAKE YOURS AWAY." So, are you condoning thuggery to silence opposing thoughts and dialogue? You progressive priques are little more than fascist punks.

    1. It's not "thuggery," it's protest, and either way, I don't condone anything. It's just not a violation of your free speech rights, sweetheart.


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