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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Student Senator Faces Impeachment for Conservative Beliefs

There’s a witch hunt underway for conservatives at the University of Southern California – and Jacob Ellenhorn appears to be Public Enemy No. 1.

Ellenhorn is a student senator at USC and president of the College Republicans. He is also an outspoken conservative.

And that’s a big problem among his fellow student lawmakers at USC.

Ellenhorn is facing possible impeachment – accused of all sorts of tawdry behavior – like publicly expressing his conservative opinions and (brace yourself) inviting high-profile conservative speakers to campus.

“It seems like freedom of speech and freedom to express your views is not allowed by the University of Southern California student government right now,” he told me.

Ellenhorn accused liberal students of engaging in a “witch hunt” and committing “institutionalized discrimination against me and my views.”

“If you voice a difference of opinion on any small issue – they lash out at you,” he told me. “You’re a racist, you’re a homophobe, you’re anti-woman, you’re sexist. This is ridiculous.”

The official complaint, first reported by Campus Reform, alleges that Ellenhorn “created a hostile environments (sic) for our USC study body, and has also violated our USC Principles of Community by bringing a speaker and moderating an event that blatantly perpetuates sexism.”



  1. This is the hidden agenda of the right & left the New World Order. A New age religion and Satin is at the head of this church. If you think about it. This is what it is, Satans religion. All this turmoil, strife, hostility, death, debauchary, all kneel at satans feet or else off with YOUR head.

  2. Unbelievable. I was in college in the early 80's and people welcomed opposing opinions and discourse. Heated debate and discussion are all part of learning and growth as a thoughtful human being. What the hell is wrong with the students even considering shutting this guy down? This really is disturbing.


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