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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Rubio 'Finished' in Florida, Former GOP Chairman Says

With Marco Rubio trailing Donald Trump by 23 points in the latest Fox News Florida poll, the former chairman of the state's Republican party has declared the Senator's campaign "pretty much finished."

Rubio is making a last stand in Florida, but many of his closest supporters have told The Washington Post they have little doubt the GOP"s once rising star will likely lose in his home state to Trump.

"It's certainly a possibility that he could lose on Tuesday, and perhaps by double digits," said John McKager "Mac" Stipano­vich, a Tallahassee lobbyist and Rubio supporter told the Post.

On Wednesday night, Rubio and his wife held a rally at a local football stadium in Hialeah. Members of the press quickly tweeted out photos of Rubio addressing a nearly empty stadium.


[ Rubio: I'm Not Dropping Out ]

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