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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Rt. 50 West Bound Is A Mess

Be prepared this week for major back ups along Rt. 50 west bound. It starts around Willards and ends near Tall Tales in Parsonsburg. They are tearing up the old asphalt and will start the paving process soon.

Nevertheless, plan on at least an additional 15 minutes to get through that area during rush hour this week. 


  1. Goodness! Thanks for the heads up!

  2. Coastal hwy thru Ocean City is a big mess too!

  3. Got to get 'em right for summer!!!!

  4. no, they are using the money up before July 1 to ensure they get the same or more money next year. Wasteful.

  5. 7:19 Is exactly right... They keep paving this stretch of highway, and I understand they say it gets a lot of traffic and it does, but it is not falling apart or breaking up back into pot holes and sand like most of the regular streets in sby are...

    They rather build new roads to no where than fix crumbling roads, which shows you it is just to waste money...

    Just like when you have the state govt owning land and a building where they pay no taxes, yet pay their employees to move to a new building they now rent from some one else, where they have to pay taxes... That is how you know they want to waste money, but remember if they didn't waste the money, it would be in the banks and they could not use that, were out of money crap to trick and will you into paying more taxes to cover something they won't fix...

  6. 8:32, First of all this is a state road. I* also disagree with you about the condition of the road in this area. There were a lot of pot holes all along this area. The road was quickly falling apart. Considering Rt. 50 is a major route to and from OC, at least the state is reinvesting into that route for the very people spending millions of dollars vacationing on the Shore. The roadway should be in perfect condition. Under O'Malley, Rt. 50 would remain a mess and the streets in Baltimore City would have been paved instead.

  7. Heard it will be two more weeks before they start paving.


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