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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Do You Really Know Ted Cruz? My Guess is, Probably Not!

By Thornton Crowe

A lot of talk in the GOPe circles lately, saying they may have to throw support to a wildly unpopular senator, Ted Cruz (R-TX), by holding their noses - so to speak - is more to demonstrate to voters how much they hate Trump. Even Republican RINO, Lindsay Graham (R-SC) has been caught talking on the airwaves about his disdain but endorsement that may be thrown Cruz's way as their boy Rubio (R-FL) isn't making the bill in this primary season.

But what the GOPe isn't telling you is something more dark and nefarious. A couple posts back, I enlightened you with a post regarding his ties to the Christian extremist, Kevin Swanson. A most delightful minister who proposes for mass extermination of our homosexual population - an act that Hitler and the Third Reich performed in their Final Solution, resulting in the death of millions of Jewish and other dissenters.

However, Senator Cruz has another albatross hanging around his neck - his homage to Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC 1973-2003). Why is this so dastardly? There are a plethora of reasons but here's the main reason this is not what we desire in the White House - ever - even if it's just for a spot of tea.

Jesse Helms died in 2008; however, his legendary stance against integration, Civil Rights and all things segregation were vilified in a Washington Post article by David S. Broder, the year of his death. Helms was no stranger to race baiting only his stance was he was a white racist. When he was campaigning, one of his adverts was clearly demonstrative of his rejection of Affirmative Action as it poised white people to believe the only reason they weren't getting jobs was because the employers had to give the job to a minority. To further galvanize his position, he filibustered for sixteen days straight against making Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday into a national holiday. Furthermore, a opponent of Civil Rights, he stated, "and called the Civil Rights Act “the single most dangerous piece of legislation ever introduced in the Congress.” Simply put, he was an unabashed segregationist that never appreciated any equality and forwarded white supremacy at every turn.

Helms's Campaign Advertisement from 1990 (NC)

Fast forward to March 2015, an article by Judd Legum on thinkprogress.org states, Cruz's speech at the Heritage Foundation (around September 2013) was disturbing because not only did he praise Helms; proudly relaying the first contribution to a politician he ever made was to him - he also said, "...We need a hundred more like Jesse Helms in the US Senate." Watch the video below and hear it from his own mouth. No disputing or editing in this clip. It's complete and unedited.

After the last eight years of a race baiting, ACORN, Black Lives Matter, Black Panthers, and other white hate groups promoted by Obama and the Democrats, can we really afford another four years with Ted Cruz dividing and segregating our country even further into the abyss? At a time where racial divides are so strained and present, it's suicide for us to fall prey to the clandestine backstory of Cruz's 'sealed' other life.

Haven't we had enough of the "sealed" background candidates and politicians who say one thing while doing another?

And to think of how many times he has repeated the false narrative of the Trump/Duke story... how hypocritical to say the least. Almost sickening given his statements regarding one of America's most racists Senators in modern times. With a hero like this, is it any wonder why he doesn't have warm fuzzies inside the Beltway?

Think long and hard about this, folks. This election is far from any laughing matter.


  1. Whatever! Your can write something like this on every candidate. Just depends on your agenda. The theme here is Trump and that is fine. But he is not the savior like democrats thought Obama was going to be. I will take any republican at this point, but genuinely believe the party has botched this slam dunk election and the democrats will take it again. I am not against a trump presidency, but he will not beat Hillary in the general. We have not seen what the liberals and media can really do to a candidate and Trump cannot beat them. I suspect the democrats have a trick up their sleeve and we will probably not run against either known candidate running now - I have no proof just a hunch and they are that crooked. At this point, I don't think any republican can win because we really do look like idiots from the outside.

  2. Mr Cruz--you hid your Canadian citizenship from Texas voters when you ran for Senate--only when the Dallas News revealed it in 2014 did you renounce it--and you have produced no CRBA to prove your born-American mother filed the document at the time of your birth in Calgary to claim US citizenship for you, born of a Cuban father who was evidently voting at the time in Canada, meaning he had become a Canadian citizen--likewise, your mother had become Canadian and voted in elections there--therefore, not born on US soil to US citizen parent(s)--plural (both), you cannot be a Constitutional "natural born citizen" eligible to be President. In fact, since you have showed no document proving your "naturalization" as a US citizen--it is possible you are not a citizen at all, but rather, an illegal alien.
    I propose you challenge Mr Trudeau and run for Prime Minister of Canada, the home of your birth to two naturalized Canadian citizens. Show us the documents--CRBA-- if you wish to prove otherwise

  3. Go Trump? It's time we had a representative of the no longer silent majority.

  4. Trump's mother was born in Scotland but had become a US citizen at the time of Donald's birth, making him a "natural born citizen" and thus, whether you like his ideas or demeanor or not, eligible to become President, according to our Constitution.

    Bernie will not win--the Communist "freesh$tarmy" is not that big--and Hillary should be indicted for perjury, mishandling classified documents, and treason by election day--so is Crazy Uncle Joe going to jump in after her indictment to save the D party?

  5. I read the article and still plan on voting for Cruz.

    1. Wonder if the new article on Cruz with all the videos and article has swayed this reader's mind. After reading that one, 140 looks pretty ridiculous and seriously under informed. Or as I have suspected, Cruz people hate America's sovereignty and Constitution almost as much as Democrats whom have openly admitted their disdain and both prevents them from ruling the nation rather than being a representative of it.

  6. 1:40, That's only because your boy Rubio dropped out JB. You remind me of a typical RINO. My guess, (behind the curtain) you'll be voting for Hillary anyway, being a woman and a RINO.

  7. Truly ashame when people are so dogged in ideology that they don't seem to want to take the warning signs seriously. Everyone was so gung ho on Obama and look what we got for 7 grueling years because people ignored the signs like Reverend Wright and the Black Muslim connection. Are we to become another Germany or Sweden? Guess time will tell.


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