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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Local Law Enforcement Officer Is Fed Up

I’ve been quiet for a long time but it’s time to raise the voices of all of us. I’m TIRED of hearing the news, virtually every day, another law enforcement brother or sister is being murdered in this country! AND our PRESIDENT sits idle and says NOTHING….. Just in the last few weeks 3 officers were murdered within 30 miles of the White House and NOTHING! Where is WE THE PEOPLE anywhere in that????

“ WE” in law enforcement are part of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA too. I’ve personally served this country my whole adult life (since going into the U.S. Air Force at 17 years old and then 28 years as a Police Officer) and have been proud to do it! UNTIL NOW – it makes me physically ill to see where “we” are as a country!

THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!! NONE of you know unless you have SERVED what it truly means to SERVE! We don’t look for accolades, or special news conferences or poplar opinion – we do our DUTY with HONOR, INTEGRITY – we do our best to treat everyone we contact with compassion and fairly. Sure WE makes mistakes, who doesn’t? BUT WE are always held accountable …SO, then WHY is it so different for OUR GOVERNMENT LEADERS? OUR PRESIDENT?

DO SOMETHING!!! MAKE THIS STOP! Declare that this will NOT BE TOLERATED ANY LONGER! ESPECIALLY the Premediated, unprovoked and senseless murders of law enforcement officers. It’s easy to sit back and do nothing, but LEADERS LEAD! So do it!

A wise man once told me, “IF you turn around and no one is following you, you are NOT CALLED to be a leader.” THINK about it! It’s time for a check up from the neck up… ALL of us who serve or have served – GOD BLESS YOU!! For everyone who has not, it’s OK but it’s now time to do your part. PRAY for our LEADERS, speak out and call them – hold them accountable – DO IT IN PEACE, do it in wisdom…. not always with eloquent words do people listen, but they have ears to hear when you speak from the heart!

OUR Forefathers CALLED TO THE PEOPLE – they proclaimed US ( THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) - “ONE NATION, UNDER GOD and INDIVISIBLE” – look around. How are we doing with that????

Mr. President – it’s not just you but YOU are our top official. I’m not qualified to judge, GOD himself will take care of that. This country will only be as strong as the weakest link – it’s TIME TO FIX some things that are broken! HELP us do our jobs, to do our DUTY! The WORD says….Faith without works is dead. Take a step, take an action. I call to ALL our GOVERNMENT LEADERS to do the same – on one accord, with one voice. Who cares about party lines, turn around and do something. Immediate action is necessary!

PLEASE! We are great as a nation because of GOD’s grace along with the traditions, honor and legacy of some great people before us. Law Enforcement officers across this country NEED YOU now, we need your help! It has to start at the top!



  1. Thank you for your service and I agree with 99% of what you said. The only part that I have a slight disagreement is that up until recently many police officers were not held accountable.

    Many times have people had their rights violated by law enforcement and it was always the side of the officer that was taken over the civilian. Now in the day and age of cell Phones people can actually provide proof when they are wronged.

    Now I admit that this is a double edged sword because often police officers are crucified based on a video clip that does not provide context and this is wrong as well.

    There is no doubt that the vast majority of police officers are wonderful people but in this day and age of "no Knock" warrants and the use of SWAT with such frequency over minor issues it no wonder the public is starting to fear the police more than ever.

    Bottom line is the public does need to stop treating the police as the bad guys but the police also need to start looking at the general public as innocent and not as a threat from the very beginning of contact.

    Once both sides learn to respect and trust one another we will then be able to work together in regards to keeping the peace.

  2. Our President is culpable in the deaths of our law enforcement officers. Beginning in his first year in office continueing until now he has taken the side of criminals, even using the DOJ against law enforcement.

  3. Sounds like this police officer is now feeling the same fear and frustration that many feel when confronted by a police officer, whether a crime has been committed, or not. Abuse and heavy handed tactics, lack of oversight, and turning the proverbial blind eye to police brutality in this age of instant internet reporting, has led to this sad state of affairs that the officer complains of. The leaders DO need to act, but reform by the police themselves is necessary, and long overdue.

    1. Please go away. I've never feared an encounter with law enforcement. I know they have a job to do. So I treat them with respect and have always had that reciprocated from them. If you're nervous about an encounter with law enforcement then you're not living right.

  4. When any president tries the NRA puts a stop to it. They are way more powerful than the president

  5. O is playing catchup.He only has 8 months or so to destroy what is left of our country.

  6. I agree with both sides: I know we are in crisis when hardly a day goes by without a cop dying at the hands of a criminal.Obama thinks the solution is more gun control.It's not.Last week two boys killed a delivery driver in cold blood for $50 and a damn pizza,which they ATE after gunning down the driver.Thank the welfare state and feminism for enabling the destruction of families,which in turn demoralizes the children because nobody is parenting them,especially when they have several kids with no father and the mother has no values to pass along to her kids.They get away with shit in school,which teaches them there are no consequences for their actions.
    However,on the flip side,police departments need to train their officers to be more approachable to the public.There are some great cops who are outgoing and friendly to the public but there are just as many who will give you a blank stare when you greet them in passing.The same ones act like you are bothering them when you call them for any reason so I can only imagine how they treat people on traffic stops.Still,that does not justify all this violence against police officers ,which should concern all of us because anyone who will shoot a cop will shoot anyone of us without skipping a beat.And our POTUS has no respect at all for law enforcement.Oh he is quick to embrace the BLM and Black Panther Party and the anti-police crowd but he has remained silent on the epidemic of cop killers in this country.

  7. Great post. As an Army Veteran, you surely have my support. A police officers job should never have to be a political battle or liberalism vrs conservatism. The law is the law, period.

  8. You are correct in saying everyone makes mistakes but when civilians make a mistake like kicking someone in the face or shooting someone several times,we go to jail. LEO needs to start policing themselves and then people will have more respect for you. Stop treating it like a good ol boys club. You guys know who the hotheads are and you all are not above the law. With that said, thank you for your service.

    1. Kicking someone in the face or shooting someone several times is a MISTAKE? I sure hope that was sarcasm. If it wasn't, you have a really screwed up sense of right and wrong!

  9. 6 police officers shot, 4 fatally in obama's backyard during the last month and not a word from him. Only hear from when a thug finally gets his.

  10. Police nationally need to walk of the job for 1 day.

    1. WOW! ! That would most certainly get attention! !!

  11. I think it is more about you wanting to be obeyed, feared and worshipped more than it is about you wanting to serve. You say you don't want accolades but we hear the same old line of you don't understand what it is to be a cop or to serve. That isn't inclusion or humility, that is elitism and exclusion.

    You also say you are always held accountable yet we see every day that is not true. We do need the police, but we need them for what they were meant to be, not for what they have become.

    You can't expect to have the full support of the people if the only contact they have is of someone coming out behind a bush and writing them a ticket. Get out of you patrol cars and walk around. Meet the people you are supposed to serve. Talk to them. Not everyone has a desire to do you harm.

    If you want positive reactions you have to have positive contact, not just to show up and arrest someone or take their money. Sure, that is necessary sometimes but you also have to counter that with being someone people trust and will help them, not just try to find a reason to issue a ticket or lock them up.

    Maybe it is more about police policies rather than individual policemen that people have a problem with? And when we do see the rare officer get fired or 'held accountable' we see their unions get them their job back with backpay no less.

    What message do you think that sends?

    It also sickens me to see cops attacked, like the ones in Philly recently. But I think I can almost understand some of the reasons for it.

    Even if what is said about cops is 90% untrue, if people's perception and belief that it is true than for them it is true. I think Police need a major public image overhaul. When you look and act like the military, and the military fights our enemies, it seems then that we are viewed as the enemy by police. Understand?

  12. Joe Google this,
    It is illegal to protest at a rally if there is SECRET SERVICE at a event which is punishable up to 10 YEARS.

  13. Obama needs to be arrested for treason and dividing America.

  14. The only people bitching and killing cops are the thugs. You get pulled over for a minor traffic violation you SHOOT at a cop??? REALLY??? STOP ROBBING,DRUGGING,WHATEVER. FOLLOW COMMANDS. DON'T FIGHT OR SHOOT THE COPS. YOU MIGHT STAY ALIVE. Then we have idiots defending the thugs.BRILLIANT! !!

  15. We have become a nation of lawless people in this administration. Obama has insured that this would take place and it did indeed.
    We need law enforcement to survive , that's just the way it is .
    I hear and read all this crap about blacks being profiled and it makes me sick. Bikers are profiled , whites are profiled , Hispanics are profiled , ladies are profiled . If a cop pulls you over or just asks a question , just answer him , it's easy. You also can ask questions .
    In the months to come you will see and witness more and more of this during the Trump campaign . It' nothing more than to have the black lives matter boosted . Trump's sick of it and I'm sick of it , the country is sick of it . ALL LIVES MATTER , get a life people.

  16. 1:57 Your white, right?

    1. 2:20 Your black,right?
      Now your comeback will be how you have so bad, right? Go to another country and see how bad you have it.

  17. March 14, 2016 at 12:54 PM

    you are grossly misinformed.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1:57 Your white, right?

    March 14, 2016 at 2:20 PM

    he has to be (I am white also btw)

  19. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 14, 2016 at 6:23 PM

    Thank You for your service and sacrifice. And thanks for the great statement. This country is divided like never before. I takes a true leader Commander in Chief to lead by an example and address the situation. But this current narcissistic president is not interested in anything that doesn't benefits him or his agenda. It is very sad and heartbreaking, but not unexpected to those who studied the tendencies and actions of this Transparently Crooked Administration. Folks, we have to realize there are no coincidences in their dealings, THEY HAVE A PLAN and that plan IS NOT INCLUDING WE THE PEOPLE. Just remember, there are reasons, why they do what they do and it's all driven by their plan to DIVIDE AND CONQUER.
    Time to wake up, Sheeple!

  20. This is why we need Trump. We are tired of this BS!!!

  21. The drug policies in this country perpetuate the "thug life". Let the dopers be dopers, get rid of the most equal opportunity employer in this country and let the police focus on what matters instead of chasing little plastic bags. Much of the crime stems from drugs being illegal. We could learn alot from our overseas counterparts with this. "Thug life" would go away if drug money wasnt an option for thugs to make a buck. Think about it block heads. Sure people would still overdose, people would still be strung out but officers wouldnt be shot at and painted into bad people if they could focus on heinus crimes against humanity. The drug policies in this country ensure this behavior will perpetuate and get worse. Especially with races more divided than ever since obama has been in office. We spend so much money chasing drugs and police will all tell you that as soon as they arrest one key player another comes to fill his market, its simple supply and demand. It puts good men like this at risk daily for no reason but you all keep believing we can win the "war on drugs". Sure when the open the comcentration camps and start asking where are your papers maybe.... Which is what its going to come to if the sheeple dont wake up. Thank you for your service. I couldnt do it in todays world and its only getting worse as years go on...

  22. Police are the enforcement arm of the government and at the same time to protect and serve. It is in fact a double edged sword. The police did not sign on to killed for serving. So yes there is caution used at all times. There are mistakes made but it really is NOT racial issue. Over 90% of those killed by law enforcement were armed or mentally ill. Sometimes both. The fact is only the race baiters and liberal media continue to push only one side of the story.

    In a country where thousands of young Black men will kill one another over literally nothing. Where is the media and BLM on this. It seems the lives only matter when taken by a cop any cop. If we do not see the slanted bias in this type of reporting then the issue will never be resolved. I for one support the police and all E.M.S. they have a tough job and the liberal left is almost making it impossible to do. I know many Blacks that have never been approached or feared the police. A vocal minority supported by the media has become good print. It gets above the fold attention. People believe what they hear. In many cases the facts were not presented by the media in fact the were black washed to stir emotions. I for one am sick and tired of the lies perpetrated by media and Black activist. I see through a pair of color blind eyes. I search for the facts before condemning anyone or anything. We all owe it to this country to do the same.

    Some of you are pure haters because you crossed the system and were caught. If a person is violating the law of the land then oh well I do no give damn how they were caught just as long as they are caught. I want mu family safe to live in the greatest nation on earth. People and the media continue to lump ALL cops, ALL Blacks, All teachers etc. into one basket. That is bigoted and weak. Never judge a book by the cover.

    Perception is never reality. The facts are reality. Do not become the monster in which you pursue that is easy to do. Once you cross that thin line it is hard to come back. Trust I am getting there over this biased bull crap. ALL LIVES MATTER !

  23. Plain and simple - NO one in Obama's family would ever look like a police officer so not comment needed.

  24. The sad truth is that anyone is a target this day in time. You don't have to be in law enforcement to get shot. A police officer is no more important than the gas station attendant who gets shot for $20.00. The police sometimes provoking a situation with unnecessary force is a direct result of some of this. They have and still do get away with this kind of brutality unfortunately! There are many good law enforcement officers out there but as unfortunate as it may be, the leadership will stoop to their level to cover up a bad situation instead of dealing with it and facing the public with the truth. It's not until they deal with matters professionally that they will earn the respect the deserve. Egotistical law enforcement are destroying their images.

  25. Vote Trump for sure, then you will see the BS end that Obama has brought forth.

  26. Mr. Finicum out in Oregon would differ with the author's opinion had he not been ambushed and murdered by the Oregon State Police recorded on aerial footage. You know, "Oregon's Finest"?

  27. Those of you who said there is no respect for anyone these days are 100% correct. Anyone can be a target for any reason. I am not in any way downplaying the shooting of LEOs, I'm just pointing out that too many thugs think guns solve everything...if they need a little extra cash, rob a person or a business then shoot 'em. Argument? Shoot 'em. Get stopped by a LEO? Shoot 'em. It all must stop somehow! Gun control only prevents good people from obtaining guns; thugs will always find a way to get a gun. Lock up the thug shooters for a LONG time - our courts are far too lenient with these types of crimes, yet over the top for lesser crimes. Conversely, I also agree with those that say that many LEOs need to change their attitudes and behaviors...people, whether reasonably so or not, feel frustrated seeing cops on their cell phones while driving, cops speeding on their way home or elsewhere (not on a call), etc. Cocky attitudes need to be tamed, rude behaviors need to be gone, etc. All of this causes frustration for civilians, yet nothing changes. Many LEOs DO believe they are above the law, and this attitude needs to GO. The Chiefs of Police need not tolerate these behaviors, but they do.
    The sense of entitlement of many civilians, despite all the free money, rent assistance, etc., has gotten worse and worse thanks to the current administration. Those capable of working should be made to obtain employment (supplementing by the government would be fine if they can't earn enough); they should be made to contribute to their health insurance, etc. We are a nation of freeloaders at the expense of the working stiffs. Why work when you can get everything for free? Just keep having babies and collect more money ...cut them off at 2 children - no more money. Birth control is FREE!
    My heart breaks to see what has happened to this nation.

  28. Until "WE" get a grip on the movements that target police and whites we will never have "LAW". All the BS about black lives matter and hands up should be outlawed.

  29. I salute you and all our men and women in service to our country at home and abroad. First responders are no different than the respect we give our military. I too wish there was a vote to be made in the upcoming election about taking our country back if you do not like this country leave it. I hear once a week from a bigot that I am forced to travel with in the company of others. You see she came to this country in 1950, she is German and hates America and our people because we caused World War II, and we killed the Jews not Hitler and the Nazi's. Every Tuesday after hearing her mouth for 4+ hours I arrive back home with a migraine. I have told her to please return to Germany where she belongs, but atlas she has it too good in this country where she has Social Security and things she would not have in her beloved country Germany. If anyone understands how Americans feel it is I.

  30. 8:34 the incident in Oregon has many sides to it. The land they were using is owned by the people. No one has the right to deface public land. If you do not have the grazing land on your farm to support live stock then do raise them. We all pay taxes. Research the issue thoroughly before making a blind statement.

    The police have a job to do. When you start arming yourself to break the laws of the land then you sir are a criminal. I think there were many ways to resolve the issue without taking arms against our country. Obey the laws of the land and you will not deal with the police. I am sorry but 98% of the killings by police are warranted. The 2% that are questionable are the cost of doing business as far as I am concerned. If a cop breaks the law they need to be arrested. If you confront the law then you get yours period.

  31. The original post is hysterical nonsense. The President of the United States needs to get involved with community policing and ... do what? The local Police in the US are entirely state and local entities. The local police in the US act almost like a military force at this point and citizens are getting very wary of them. The police in the US relative to other arms of government are usually quite well funded by localities.

    What exactly is the POTUS supposed to be doing about local policing? Put on a Batman outfit and go on patrol?

    "DO SOMETHING!!! MAKE THIS STOP! Declare that this will NOT BE TOLERATED ANY LONGER! ESPECIALLY the Premediated, unprovoked and senseless murders of law enforcement officers. It’s easy to sit back and do nothing, but LEADERS LEAD! So do it"

  32. 820 for sake of argument let's say you have a job and not living off someone else...what's your career or job?

  33. Well said, March 14, 2016 at 12:02 PM


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