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Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Viewer Writes: East side under assault from above

"There is nothing normal about 10+ planes flying in a pattern all at the same time, striping the skies of the E Side today.
Look up people".


  1. its those chem-trails people say don't exist, even when proof slaps them in the face...

    It is amazing at how stupid people are, yes I said it, STUPID and we know you can't fix STUPID!!!!

  2. What is even more funny is how the CIA has patents on aerosol sprayers for planes, now why would a private company such as the CIA need a patent for aerosol sprayers for planes???


  3. "Chemtrails".

    Nano-particles of aluminum and chemicals designed to slow 'global warming'.

    Aren't we lucky that we have those very intelligent liberals to look after us?
    Otherwise, we'd probably all be dead by now. Baked by the intense heat.

  4. It's the Germans on the way to bomb Pearl Harbor.

  5. ok take your tinfoil hat off and go back inside. same thing every day but now you notice?

  6. Certain weather conditions tend to magnify the contrails...nothing unusual there...check 'flightradar24.com'...they are all accounted for. Just a heavy air traffic day with CIA Aerosol canisters aboard all those jets!

  7. Damn Joe, you cornered the market on crazies.

  8. The mid Atlantic is one of the busiest air spaces in the country. Now, get back in your bunkers and keep prepping!

  9. We were warned about these exercises weeks ago
    They are doing manuvers in the area from Vienna southward
    lighten up

  10. Those planes are dropping chemicals to test stuff on us.
    Look how the government tested stuff on the Tuskegee airmen. Ever wonder why this area is so high in cancer cases? This is why.

  11. There's nothing funnier than the "chemtrail" believers and all their "proof"! I'm sure glad somebody thought that one up, LOL!

  12. ha ha ha, heavy air traffic from Salisbury? 10+ planes flying all at the same time?

    They were back again today. Same patterns, we counted 15 planes on the West side, all in the same air space all at the same time around noon today.
    Commercial planes do not fly that close together.

    Put your cell phone away and look up on occasion

  13. 1:51 Vienna and southward are nowhere near "east salisbury".

  14. Skywriters must drive you people bonkers

  15. You should go out and watch them at night sometimes. The sky some nights resembles the highway. And some nights there is something falling from the sky. I walk my dogs all the time so I am outside a lot at night. Some nights there is something that looks like pollen floating through the air. But it is not pollen. And it is not raining and it is not snowing. I don't know what it is but I know it is there. We have a lot of "hover" air craft in this area also. They hover in an area for a while and then they finally move on, only to stop and hover a while over another area. I live up in Delmar and I kept telling my husband that I saw a drone flying outside last summer. He was like, "Yeah, sure you did honey. I'm sure it was just a star."

    Maybe three nights later he just happened to be out there also and it had just turned dark and here came the drone and it hadn't gotten high enough yet that you could even confuse it with a helicopter. "Yeah, it's a drone," I said, "just like it was a week ago when I told you about it and you said it was a star." Keep thinking I'm crazy about all this traffic in the sky.

  16. Vapor trails dissipate shortly behind the plane, chemical trails don't

  17. You used to think it was the local water that made people on Delmarva crazy.

  18. They are putting estrogen in the air to feminize men.

  19. All commercial traffic from Raliegh/Durham, Charlotte, Atlanta and Miami to Europe passes just east of Salisbury every day. All European traffic to the southeast US passes going south. As long as the aircraft are separated by 1,000 feet vertically and 2 miles horizontally it makes no difference if they all look like they are in the same place at the same time.

  20. Air Ops out of Pax River.... Please move on

  21. Chemtrail deniers - must be Killary supporters!

  22. It just goes to show that you should pay more attention. At any point in a 24 hr cycle you can go out and see no less than that 5 planes in the air at one time, and that just from my back yard. Funny how yesterday and today the "chem trails" have been very visible. We also had fog the last two days. Did the chem trails cause that or did the atmospheric conditions cause the chem trails? Also, and this was proven in the days following 9/11, air traffic and the light clouds they produce actually have an effect on the air temperature. I cant remember if it raises or lowers it but at this point what difference does it make.

    Something else to consider. Everyone wants to ask a pilot if they know whats going on. News flash everyone, the pilots are not flying the plane. The pilots are there to take off, land and deal with any problems mid-flight. Everything else is handled by the plane itself. So its likely something could be happening without their knowledge.

    Could chem trails be a real threat? Sure. But Bigfoot could also exist. Its very hard to prove an argument wrong when the only evidence is circumstantial at best.

  23. "Also, and this was proven in the days following 9/11, air traffic and the light clouds they produce actually have an effect on the air temperature. I cant remember if it raises or lowers it but at this point what difference does it make."

    It means the point you're making is pure, unadulterated BS.

  24. And people wonder how trump became a presidential candidate. Wow!

  25. All I see is the DUCK!

  26. I was out working on my cloud making machine last night and fell asleep. It was running all night long here in Salisbury.

    So sorry for the awful mess I made of this morning's commute. My humblest apologies!

  27. Those are Hexane trails. The CIA is testing the effects on us to see if it actually reduces the cancer rate as some have claimed.
    The FDA is monitoring the results through Obamacare statistics.

  28. I just got off the phone with Al Gore. Everybody, go out and get as much tin foil as you can! Line your attic ceilings with it and stay indoors. Avoid inhaling. The last 2 days 11,000 metric tons of chemicals have been sprayed from the CIA's aerosol sprayers, and it's due to hit us by noon tomorrow! I'm dead serious, folks, there's no time to discuss this any further.

    GO NOW!

  29. "Look how the government tested stuff on the Tuskegee airmen."

    WTF are you even talking about????

  30. These sad, scientifically illiterate, ignorant comments help me realize why some of my students are so damn dumb! Please go and learn something based on reality!!

  31. 7:35 Here ya go


    Of course that was a long time ago and we can trust the gummint now right?

  32. I saw what appeared to be 2 drone like aircraft about 2 weeks ago about 7;30 PM in the Nithsdale area. They were flying west then south across the river and then toward Fruitland and disappeared. Couldn't hear anything.

  33. I would rather prep for a daily colonscopy than look at or hear hilldabeast or al gore.But if you really what evacuation look or listen to Al or Jesse.

  34. I sent you a comment about them chemtrailing us a couple of weeks ago. You seemed like you didn't believe it then but now you do?

  35. As stated earlier the the Salisbury VOR is major navigational beacon for north south travel...

  36. Wait, where is my tinfoil hat! I don't want them reading my thoughts!

  37. Happens every day...look up how a contrail is made....then go back to watching who you are told to vote for......

  38. Mouth breathers lol. Joe you have some wack jobs on here lol. Yup they are poisoning the eastern Shore because we backed Hogan lol. Go back in your closets and put your tin foil hats back on.

  39. You naysayers just keep on poking fun at people who don't believe the shite the government feeds you. I'll be shining in my tin foil hat while your arse follows your head down into the sand. Sheeple.

  40. Anyone that thinks these patterns are normal and keep spewing the flight path mantra is a fool.
    There is nothing normal about these patterns. They are clearly an anomaly.
    If it looked like this each and every day it would be considered normal. But it doesn't. I saw this also and they are low flying, closely following and cris- crossing each other.
    I will be more than happy to join the tin hat club. Sign me up.

  41. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I sent you a comment about them chemtrailing us a couple of weeks ago. You seemed like you didn't believe it then but now you do?
    March 17, 2016 at 10:33 PM

    Yes it was on a either a thursday or friday about 2 weeks ago, I was over by SU and noticed it.

    And the comment about being on the flight path is BS, sure we are but those planes are flying at higher altitudes and not leaving trails like these. On any given day you can see those also. This has been and is a totally different scenario.

  42. Please do SOME homework before you make an uneducated remark. This has been going on since the late 60's. It's not normal and NOT healthy. We are all breathing these chemicals from the sky daily. If you think there are not powers that be that think they can do anything they want to us every day of the week, you are the crazy ones. Educate your selves people. You are part of what is wrong with our country, just sit back, keep your eyes on stupid shit on your phones. You indeed are a classic example of "sheeple". It's just a small example of herding with ones mouth shut and eyes closed. You wonder why so many folks are dying young these days??????? Read more of GEO engineering, OPEN YOUR EYES AND MINDS!


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