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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Why it’s time to stop glorifying marriage

In a recent opinion piece wondering why media mogul Rupert Murdoch and actress Jerry Hall would bother to get married, the writer noted that “marriage is passe.” It’s hard not to notice this: Demographic trends indicate that marriage is not only in decline, but it will end by 2042 if current patterns hold.

A cover story in the Christian Science Monitor Weekly last year announced that “singles outnumber married adults,” right before the Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges — possibly the most important ruling on marriage in decades. Yet the views Justice Anthony Kennedy expressed in that decision underwhelmed me.

I imagined the never-married Justice Elena Kagan rolling her eyes when she read his paean to married life: “Marriage is a keystone of the Nation’s social order.” For that matter, I could picture the widowed Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the divorced Justice Sonia Sotomayor scratching their heads and wondering what world Kennedy lives in. There is life without marriage, thank you very much, and marriage itself isn’t always such a good deal.



  1. Sad commentary. While we are at it we should do away with best friends and mothers love. After all....we already have therapist to take care of our every emotional need and Facebook for all of our friend needs...we don't need all this old fashion stuff.

    (((Tongue in cheek folks)))

  2. You do not have to be married to be in a committed relationship.
    And my mother doesn't love me - so what is your point 9:25
    We all live in different realities.

    This is not "sad commentary", this is actually a well written insightful article and based on your comment you did not read the whole thing.

  3. When you're not married you get a lot more action.

  4. 10:32 Not getting married is proof that you can't commit.

    You are soooo wrong and you cant even see it.


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