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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ending Coercive Unionism Trumps Dem Governor’s Veto

West Virginia becomes 26th right-to-work state

Coercive unionism is no longer the law of the land for the majority of the country after West Virginia lawmakers overrode Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin’s veto to become the 26th right to work state on Friday.

Delegate Gary Howell was among the leaders in the legislature to push right to work, which prevents employers from requiring union membership as a condition of employment, in the longtime labor stronghold. The veto override came as no surprise because West Virginia only requires a majority vote in the Republican-controlled legislature. The vote, he said, would help boost the lagging economy’s ability to attract employers.

“It’s going to move West Virginia in a position to grow our economy again,” Howell told the Washington Free Beacon in a phone interview. “It’ll have a positive effect on job creation, especially with manufacturers. We build things here and have a lot of natural resources. We’re closer to the source of raw materials. It’ll be easier to create those jobs here. It makes us more competitive.”



  1. Unions are losing more and more of their stronghold over employees. Maybe some of the employees are getting smarter!

    Between what happened in WV last week and what happened in WI last year - looks like folks are actually seeing the corrosive effect the unions actually had on our economy!

  2. 9:43 Only when abused by those that run them. Many Unions are highly successful. You must be a politician or a business owner lol.


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