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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Who Wants One?


  1. I'd put one in my yard. Where can I get one?

  2. I ordered mine online (bumper sticker)

  3. Oh yes, good sign. I too, want to know, who has them???

  4. This will never happen, she is untouchable and continues to get away with her law breaking way of life. She lacks integrity and has NO moral compass, and has an attitude of entitlement to the presidency. Privilage and influence defines her and she will never be prosecuted. I would love to see her held accountable but it will never happen.

  5. Doesn't say much about our justice system does it 9:26. The rich are exempt from prison in a lot of cases. I would like a sign just to make a statement.

  6. I have to disagree with USMCRetired. She will get away with everything UNLESS Trump is elected. I think he would enjoy seeing Hillary in a prison jumpsuit!

  7. 10:16 not only about the justice system but society in general. Look how many people are still voting for her. Only goes to show just how low this country has sunk. Ireton hired some loser chick when he was mayor and she was all about Clinton on her FB page. If you support Clinton you are by no means an honest person. Honest people do not support her. This is what we have in government. People who weren't brought up to value honesty. This is why the country is the way it is and the only ones to blame are those who support the democrat party. There is nothing good about any democrats.


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