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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Are YOU Listening?


  1. I am not sure they get it yet.

  2. It's obvious that Trump will run for president against ?
    The GOP has become nothing more than an extension of the democrats.

  3. They are fighting against Trump as hard as they can. Trump may not be the most presidential candidate but he is what we need to get the change started.

  4. Has anyone else noticed how ignorant those Cruz supporters are getting. If you don't support Cruz they get Nasty with you as if you said you were voting for Hillary.

    The Cruz supporters have gone to stoop so low to attack Donald Trump on every conservative or tea party page out there. They are coming up with False information on Trump and being very negative about it.

    Don't attack Trump, just tell me how great Cruz is and why he is the better candidate. I haven't heard anything positive about Cruz in the last 4 or 5 month. I guess that is because what they have been putting out there isn't good enough so now they have to resort to attacks.

    They still haven't proven if Cruz is eligible to be the POTUS yet, but their response is "we have gone over this over and over again. Maybe so but they still haven't proven that he is eligible. They say "a lawyer has already said he is eligible." They are so gullible and blind that anything they hear, especially if it is on a meme about Cruz being eligible that is what they want to come back with.

    With their negative attacks on Trump, right now I have no desire to vote for Cruz. I would prefer to vote for the man that promises to do what America needs. Cruz and Rubio won't touch illegal immigration, because their blood is Cuban and the Cubans are rushing the borders in Texas by the thousands per day. We know where their allegiance is going to be. I don't want a Mexican or a Cuban for President, I want an American. I don't care about Trumps wife, Trumps wife isn't running for President. The Cubans have already illegally invaded Florida once and I am pretty sure Rubio's parents were illegal. Many of his relatives were boat people. I am also sick and tired of hearing about Rubio's parents being a bar tender and a maid as if all the average Americans are going to fall for that. I want an American for President and someone far removed from Cuba or Mexico lineage.

    Cruz Supporters have turned in to such cry babies saying they are going to write in a third party name or they are going to stay home if Trump gets the Republican Nomination.

    Cruz supporters are nothing but Big Ass Cry Babies!!


  5. First - no they do not hear the voters. Second - Trump will not beat Hillary. Right now there is a lot of democratic and independent support for Trump. When it gets to the general, many of those will not be able to vote for Trump as they had planned. I am in the "unfortunate" position of being around a lot of democrats and they are leaning Trump. No way they actually vote Trump in the end. Then the country is finished. Many people will be disappointed. Cruz is the only option. Now - I do see Trump winning the nomination so I hope I have to eat these words in November.

  6. Anonymous said...
    It's obvious that Trump will run for president against ?
    The GOP has become nothing more than an extension of the democrats.

    February 23, 2016 at 6:27 AM

    Poor Cruz LOSER!!

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    First - no they do not hear the voters. Second - Trump will not beat Hillary. Right now there is a lot of democratic and independent support for Trump. When it gets to the general, many of those will not be able to vote for Trump as they had planned. I am in the "unfortunate" position of being around a lot of democrats and they are leaning Trump. No way they actually vote Trump in the end. Then the country is finished. Many people will be disappointed. Cruz is the only option. Now - I do see Trump winning the nomination so I hope I have to eat these words in November.

    February 23, 2016 at 8:45 AM

    Another sore Cruz Luzer!!

    How do you know Trump wont beat Hillary? Because you said so?? ROTFLMFAO

  8. I'll be voting for Trump.

    Kasich is probably the most qualified candidate after a successful tenure in congress, and now as a two-term governor. But Kasich can't beat Hillary, while Trump can. I'll be voting for Trump.

    Cruz is probably the best conservative running, and probably has the sharpest mind, serving as a law clerk for a supreme court justice, and later arguing cases before the supreme court. But Cruz can't beat Hillary, while Trump can. I'll be voting for Trump.

    Rubio is bright and intelligent but very green. Doesn't have the experience yet. He's kind of the republicans' answer to what Obama was in 2008. If Rubio continues to grow and gain experience, he'll be a great candidate in 6 to 10 years. But for now, Rubio can't beat Hillary, while Trump can. I'll be voting for Trump.

    Trump has positive and negative attributes, and on most days the negative outweighs the positive. But Trump has shown that he's not afraid to throw the excrement at Hillary & Bill, and make it stick. Trump is the only one I believe that Hillary and the democrats do not want to run against in the general election.

    I'll be voting for Trump.

  9. Cruz is the only true conservative. I like Trump and Cruz. either one can beat Clinton and will do a much better job as president. The republicans do not need to be speaking bad about each other, that only helps the dems.

  10. 6:48 Because Cruz is such a nasty person this is what he attracts.

  11. 11:07 AM...Cruz is a nasty person and Trump is not?

    Hell, that's why I like Trump. Trump is the nastiest of them all, and that's why I'll be voting for him. He's the only one throwing grenades at Hillary that has Hillary backing away.

    Hillary will lose the food fight with Trump. Trump says what most people think about Hillary, while the other politicians won't.

  12. "Cruz Supporters have turned in to such cry babies"

    Sorry you feel that way, 6:48. It is probably the frustration of having the best candidate in decades - and seeing him possibly lose due to low-info, manipulated voters and a perfectly silly candidate. We've got a choice between a man who has argued before the Supreme Court and a reality t.v. star. Yeah, it bothers me that my fellow citizens prefer 'the Donald'.

    But I get it. You're mad and voting like you're told to will show everybody. And Cruz is a bad man - the media has told us so repeatedly. And you know they wouldn't lie or twist the facts.

    Not a cry baby, 6:48. Just disgusted.


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