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Thursday, February 25, 2016

When Louisiana Offered Free College Education, Guess What Happened

Several politicians have recently been offering free goodies to voters. One of the most popular of these, oddly enough, is something that several state governments have already tackled: free college tuition.

The details vary by state, but Oregon, Tennessee,Georgia, Michigan, andLouisiana (among others) all use tax dollars to pay for at least some of their residents’ college tuition.

Louisiana provides a great case study for advocates of similar federal policies. Louisiana just so happens to be in the news right now because the governor is threatening to suspend his state’s version of free college tuition for everyone.

Louisiana’s Tuition Program

Louisiana’s plan is called the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students, or, more commonly, TOPS. This extremely popular program uses tax dollars topay full tuition (and some fees) at any of Louisiana’s public universities. Other than residency requirements, all high school students qualify as long as they have a C average (2.5 GPA) and at least an 18 on the ACT.

So the Taylor Opportunity Program for Students doesn’t cover everystudent’s tuition, but it ends up covering it for a large chunk of middle-/upper-class families.



  1. By what is happening on college campuses today a lot more than a few.

  2. I'd rather they spend my tax money on college than the 2 stupid wars W got us into and didn't pay for.

  3. Better educate our future today cuz tomorrow (20-30 years) we will definitely need help!!!!!


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