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Thursday, February 25, 2016


Economic activity all over the planet is in the process of slowing down, and there are some areas of the country that are really starting to feel the pain

Did you know that there are some U.S. states that have already officially fallen into recession?

Economic activity all over the planet is in the process of slowing down, and there are some areas of the country that are really starting to feel the pain. In particular, any state that is heavily dependent on the energy industry is hurting right now. During the years immediately following the last recession, the energy industry was the primary engine for the growth of good paying jobs in America, but now that process is completely reversing. All over the U.S. energy companies are going under, and thousands upon thousands of good jobs are being lost.

On Sunday evening, Bloomberg published an article entitled “The U.S. States Where Recession Is Already a Reality“. The following is an excerpt from that article…



  1. We have never left the recession. Anyone sell a home recently? You will feel just how great the economy is. Only the media has reported things are better.

  2. REALITY according to Bloomberg - LOL

  3. Ok do do any of you think for yourselves? The article points to several states that have never had a booming economy....much hogwash over nothing.....many more states are coming back or are already there. The eastern shore has never boomed and probably never will so if you all walk around with your heads in the sand you will learn nothing. Life is good for most states. Do the research.....

  4. History has shown us that Presidential chancing of the guard has a slower economy and lower Stock Exchange for the first year after the elections. But when you have never recovered and have been in an 8 year recession how do you say it will be getting worst when all the policies have not been enforced / enacted that the present Politians have put into place. This shows you how many are followers and how many use, CS, "Common Sense".

  5. the feds will keep propping it up until Obama is ready to leave then interest rates will rise and then hold on

  6. I agree. Things have not gotten better since the great recession started in 2008. Our jobs are gone. They have been outsourced and in sourced thanks to those wonderful free trade deals. You know NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, AND the Latest Asian free trade deals. We have been given the shaft. The only ones who have benefited are the corporations and their investors and the bought and sold government officials.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Ok do do any of you think for yourselves? The article points to several states that have never had a booming economy....much hogwash over nothing.....many more states are coming back or are already there. The eastern shore has never boomed and probably never will so if you all walk around with your heads in the sand you will learn nothing. Life is good for most states. Do the research.....

    February 25, 2016 at 12:51 PM

    no, not too many think for themselves. unless it's on a fictional tv show no one knows anything.

  8. 12:48 I'm sure you know WAY more.

  9. And the eastern side of one state for certain.

  10. People, the beginning of the end was the bubble in housing. That once sacred investment that almost always helped people gain financially over the long term evaporated. Billions of perceived equity disappeared over night and the "American dream" that we all were raised to believe was destroyed. Add job outsourcing and the perfect storm has begun. The Wall street crowd and the Federal Reserve have tried to prop up this ponzi scheme to no avail. Death of a thousand cuts.


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