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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Wal-Mart Woes Are 'Terrifying New Reality' for US Retail

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s lackluster sales outlook and dismal earnings reflect a “terrifying new reality” for American retailers, Business Insider warns.

“For retail rivals, Walmart’s struggles are not cause for celebration. Instead, they reveal a swiftly changing retail landscape where few can keep up,” BI’s Kate Taylor explains.

And there’s a cruel irony behind retailers’ quest for online dominance: it eventually forces more brick-and-mortar stores to close.

“Even if retail giants are able to turn business around by growing ecommerce sales, customers should not be surprised if more closures are on the horizon as the retail industry adjusts to this seismic shift,” Taylor explained.

“Just as mall traffic has decreased (Fung Business Intelligence Centre estimates that the average American now visits a mall three to four times a year, as opposed to five to six times a few years ago), visits to big-box retailers are also dropping,” BI reported.

Read more: Business Insider: Wal-Mart Woes Are 'Terrifying New Reality' for US Retail
Important: Can you afford to Retire?



  1. I still shop, I just don't shop at Walmart. I am seeing more and more people turning away from Walmart even though the prices are lower.

    Personally I pay more for stuff, because I like shopping where employees are nice, honest and cordial.

  2. Service and quality goods are very poor. I only shop there as a last resort. They need a reality check!

  3. so you would rather over pay. That sounds like the democratic way.

  4. I hate shopping at Walmart and rarely do so.

  5. I don't shop at all. I know what I need before I leave the house and go get those items. I shop a few items at Walmart because I only buy American made products. Even in grocery I know the American products. I'm so stubborn I won't even buy imported beer. Trump is right. China owes us 265 billion in trade defecates and Mexico almost 70 billion. I realize my little bit won't help much but I do feel better because I care.

  6. I balance what I'd save in gas against what I'd spend closer on the same products (or better) and am happy to support local and smaller retailers for the very small difference.
    And I haven't been in the mall (any mall) in a couple of years except to respond to one particular sale in one store.

  7. No cashiers after 12AM.Remember that.

  8. It's trade deficits, not trade defecates. Yikes!


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