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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Snowden: Would Return to US with Guarantee of Fair Trial

Speaking via Skype from Russia, Edward Snowden told an audience of supporters in New Hampshire on Saturday that he is willing to be extradited to the United States if the federal government would guarantee he would get a fair trial.

The former National Security Agency contractor in 2013 leaked details of a secret government eavesdropping program and left the country. He faces U.S. charges that could land him in prison for up to 30 years.

Snowden spoke Saturday at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, heavily attended by libertarians. WMUR (http://bit.ly/1KzViUd ) reported that forum organizers did not allow the media to video record his remarks.

"I've told the government I would return if they would guarantee a fair trial where I can make a public interest defense of why this was done and allow a jury to decide," Snowden told his audience.



  1. Considering that the HildaBeast is doing a lot worse than Mr. Snowden and will probably not be indicted; the chance of a 'fair' trial is non-existant!

  2. If you're going to let Clinton go, then Snowden shouldn't have a trial at all and Gen. Petraus should be exonerated of all plea deals and fines as well as be restored to his agency. Knives cut both ways.

  3. The government is afraid of a jury trial.
    VERY afraid.


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