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Saturday, February 06, 2016

US Military Leaders Agree: Women Should Register for the Draft

During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday on opening all ground combat units to women, U.S. military leaders said it is time to require women to register for the Selective Service. 


  1. This bill was created to be provocative and force Democrats to acknowledge if they really want our daughter's to be drafted.

  2. 757 why are we spending time on this. Their will never be a draft. Never ever ever. So ridiculous how about get wages up and lower taxes.

  3. 858
    Never say never. The last draft was not to long ago, Vietnam. However I guess since they do not teach that in school, you likely never learned.

  4. Every male is still required to register for the draft.

  5. Democrat's have called for this before but fell on deaf ears because women weren't allowed in combat, Now they are allowed in combat so it's plausible. But I think the real reason leftists call for it is to create anti military mindset and cut the defense budget and reduce the military to boy scouts and further weaken America in their quest of a one world government..

  6. What a pathetic Country if it sends its women to war.


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