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Saturday, February 06, 2016

HUD: Public Housing Should Be Reserved for Poor People

(CNSNews.com) - The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has decided that public housing should be available only to low-income people who need it.

On Tuesday, HUD announced it is considering a new rule to remove people from public housing if their income "increases significantly" over time, even if those people pay full market rent and receive no subsidy.

"It is the responsibility of HUD and (Public Housing Authorities) to ensure that public housing units are available to those who need HUD assistance," the agency said in a news release. And right now, HUD says there is an "urgent need for affordable rental housing in many communities."


  1. We need to take care of our seniors first not lazy drug dealing thugs.

  2. They say this as they are building new ones as fast as they can.

    Hey, a squirrel!

  3. These new rules reward those who do not provide for themselves. Most of the ones who will be disallowed will quit their jobs so the qualify. This is why the government should not be in the housing business.

  4. Build them and they will come.


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