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Saturday, February 06, 2016

University of Maryland College Students On The Iowa Caucus - Can't Find New Hampshire on Map


  1. Common Core at its finest, not to mention a damning statement about the higher education system in the US. General ed. requirements are World Civ I & II but no US History is required at a high education level. This is what you get. Unless a person majors in history, is other histories even required - then one can concentrate on one track with minimum coverage of others.

    I'll bet if you asked a European, Asian or Indian student where NH is, they would be able to point it out without hesitation.

    American youth is much like a lot of holy roller organized religions in US. They don't try to investigate the world outside of the microcosm. It's truly sad as knowledge and wisdom are the only true things worth pursuing.

  2. I always confuse Vermont and New Hampshire.

  3. Vermont is shaped like a V.

  4. These things used to be learned in elementary school.

  5. NH is on the coast. And new legal immigrants coming into this country will not only know the States and their capitals, but learn English, our once official language.

  6. I am not surprised. I work with a know it all DEMOHOLIC who thinks the right is left wing.

  7. Well the libitards we give millions too every year really doing a fine job. They rewrite history and more concerned with gay and Transgender BS,instead of actual teaching. The BOE MOTTO: THOSE WHO CAN -DO!!! THOSE WHO CAN'T - TEACH! !!


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