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Saturday, February 06, 2016

House Oversight Probe May Include Hillary Clinton Emails

Sources tell Politico that House Oversight Committee Chairman
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) 82% plans to proceed with an investigation into federal record-keeping practices, with the blessing of House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) 56%… provided the probe proceeds with “caution” when it hits Hillary Clinton’s email server.

Politico’s sources say Ryan and House Majority Leader
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) 40% want to leave the investigation of Clinton’s email to the FBI, while the House Select Committee on Benghazi handles everything related to that situation. The Clinton email scandal began as a result of the House Benghazi Committee’s request for documents the State Department was forced to concede it did not possess, because Clinton was keeping them on a secret private server.

As various other politicians and staffers quoted throughout the article make clear, there are practical concerns about interfering with the FBI investigation of Clinton’s email, or creating the appearance that such interference might have occurred, plus political concerns that a swarm of Republican committees digging into Clinton would fuel her narrative about “vast right-wing conspiracies.”


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