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Sunday, February 07, 2016


Critics say school program promotes segregation

A ‘blacks only’ dorm for 40 African-American students is being enacted at the University of Connecticut.

The dorm, which opens this fall, is supposedly intended to help the school pool resources for an African-American student program called the ScHOLA2RS House, but critics blasted the housing plan for promoting segregation.

“Forget about this nonsense and just treat students without regard to skin color,” Roger Clegg, president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, said. “If there are students of color who are at risk or who could use some access to special programs, that’s fine, but schools shouldn’t be using race as a proxy for who’s at risk and who’s going to have a hard time as a student.”



  1. Shouldn't this fall under Title IX. If you build one for blacks, then you have to build one for whites.

    1. One can only hope whites got the same treatment how about about white entertainment television or whites dating.com or national association advancement white people oh that's right that would be descrimination

  2. Don't they already have all black colleges

  3. They will be trashed in 5 years.

  4. I think there should be white only colleges afterall blacks have their black only ones. Only fair.

  5. thought we got over this in the sixties when the blacks were complaining about segregation

  6. We don't want them even in our schools, so they need to go to UMES.

  7. Prior to desegregation, the best students from the black schools got to go to college - after desegregation, the best black students were not as good as the best white students and their college attendance actually went down.

    We see the same in society as well...

    Be careful what you ask for!

  8. The main difference between black and white colleges is that the white colleges require the students to attend classes.

  9. "We don't want them even in our schools.."
    "They will be trashed in 5 years.."
    "Don't they already have black colleges.."

    Us, Them, We, They, Black, White.

    This is the 21st Century - right?


  10. Wasn't this crap outlawed back in the '60s? WTF happened to integration? You know., the big 'black thing' back then. And, now they want it reversed?
    The biggest problem here is that 'whitey' is actually listening to them again.

  11. this is absolutely racist. i demand this to stop right now! sue the pants off this place and the people who approved it.

  12. The should segregate the whole school.

  13. AYFKM??!!

    So much for diversity....

  14. This ought to lead to some interesting lawsuits.

  15. And the white man continues to get discriminated on. The white man is the one continually getting hammered with no government programs to help their plight .

  16. Sounds like separate but equal. Have we not been here before. This joker we have as a president has really helped race relations.

  17. reverse discrimination, very obvious.

  18. Let them. Just wasting money. In 6 months after being built the animals will destroy them. You think after decades of welfare they are going to change because they are on a campus. UCONN should be called UDUMB.

  19. If anyone thinks that this is anything new, let me tell you that this has been going on for many years - and even today - at our so-called liberal institutions of higher learning.
    During my tenure at Towson State, there were separate events for whites and Blacks ALL the time. Dances, luncheons, guest speakers, etc.
    A Saturday night 'mixer' party on-campus would require two different bands or DJ's at two separate locations. One for the whites, one for the blacks. Same music played at both events - but one is black and one would be white. It continues to this very day.
    This is nothing new....

  20. So they are saying segregation is good now. Wow the government sure has wasted a lot of time and money (our money).


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