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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Cruz to Supporters: Pray 'That We Might Pull Back From The Abyss’

(CNSNews.com) – Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) asked supporters at a rally in Iowa City, Iowa on Sunday to “pray every day until election day,” asking God to “awaken the body of Christ that we might pull back from the abyss.”

“The third and final thing I want to ask of each of you is that you pray,” Cruz said as he concluded his remarks. “That you commit today every day from now to election day to lift this country up in prayer."

“To spend even just one minute a day saying, ‘Father God, please, continue this awakening. Continue this spirit of revival. Awaken the body of Christ that we might pull back from the abyss,’” Cruz said.

More here


  1. Is it just me....or does this guy feel kinda creepy? He doesn't inspire me to pray...I know that.

  2. Nothing creepy about him. Comments are so "trumpish".

  3. I'll stick with Trump & Carson.

  4. Go be a minister if that is what you want.

  5. Cruz is the only candidate that knows and fully supports the Constitution. The establishment hates him, they are vilifying him, the public is buying it as witnessed by comments here in.

  6. “Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven."

  7. So some of you find it "creepy" that a Presidential candidate asks supporters to pray for the country. Really shows why this Country has the problems it does! I suspect many of you would really be upset if you read some our founding father's comments. I think it gives us a good comparison to Trumps comments about never asking God's forgiveness for anything because he has no need to. The comments above truly show the urgent need this Country has for Prayer!

  8. 6:42 Carson doesn't believe in hell. That goes against Christian doctrine. Who knows what trump believes in?

  9. 10:57 What exactly does that scripture mean to you?

  10. If 8:39 is going to try and quote the Bible they should first read it. That verse refers to religious hypocrites of the time who would "pray" loudly in public to tell people how good they were. Kind of Trump talking about what a good person he is so he doesn't need to ask the Lords forgiveness. Cruz asking his supporters to pray for the Country is following the example of Jesus himself who told his supporters to pray constantly for all things.

  11. The more Ted Cruz cloaks himself in religion the bigger hypocrite he becomes.

  12. Brilliant. He's playing all of you like a fiddle, and you eat it up.

    You'll even thank him for it.

  13. So asking supporters to pray for this Country is cloaking himself in religion and being hypocritical? How about claiming to be a Christian but also bragging about all the affairs you have had with married woman around the world as Trump has done. Or how about claiming to be Christian but claiming you have never asked God for forgiveness? Again Trump. Or how about claiming to be Christian while dropping a F bomb at one of your rallies with children in attendance. That will be great if we have a President Trump for parents. Explain to children that that language is inappropriate even if the President did use it.

  14. No matter how I look at Cruz, I see a man whose potential for doing mischief, if not serious damage, to America should he become its president is greater than any other candidate still in the running for both the Republicans or Democrats.

  15. 3:04 You liberals should be terrified of Cruz! More terrified than of any Republican candidate since 1984.

  16. 6:41 pm - Either Dem candidate should terrify you, unless, of course, you're one of them.


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