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Friday, February 19, 2016

Thomas Sowell Endorses Ted Cruz, Says Trump Is An ‘Overgrown Spoiled Brat’

Thomas Sowell, a leading intellectual who has been on the frontlines of the conservative movement for decades, is endorsing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as his choice to be the next President of the United States.

Writing in RealClearPolitics, Sowell explained that “the vacancy created on the Supreme Court makes painfully clear the huge stakes involved when we choose a President of the United States.”

“Given the advanced ages of other justices, the next president is likely to have enough vacancies to fill to be able to shape the future of the court that helps shape the future of America,” Sowell added.

Sowell castigated the “frivolous rhetoric and childish antics” seen in the recent Republican debates.

“If ever there was a time to choose a president with depth, rather than glitter or glibness, this is it,” he commented.

More here


  1. Totally expected of you Sowell...to stump for your party and keep the corrupt parties intact. At least Trump wasnt born in Canada! You call him childish but he has beaten all of you at your controlled debates.

  2. Sowell supports Cruz who he thinks will win more votes in the general election. What a crock, no Democrat on earth is going to vote for Cruz. Trump wil be able to cross party lines and get working class Democrats that are fed up with the Muslim commie and not too keen on the Hildabeast or the ancient socialist being our next president.

  3. Sowell as usual is right. Cruz also is the only one who understands and would actually uphold the Constitution.

    1. Because he can read green eggs and ham?? After Saturday you can sit down just like Cruz. It will be OVER!!
      TRUMP 2016

  4. This is huge. A man of Dr. Sowell's stature is quite an endorsement.

    Oh, and WHO CARES about getting democrat votes, 3:33? If democrats are voting for the person, that isn't exactly a good sign..

  5. Agree whole heartedly a man with common sense and intelligience. He says what he believes and believes what he says.

  6. 409 what was he promised? Explain how your okay with Cruz spending everyone else's money expect his own? Trump is spending his own money and less of it! Trump has never been a politician and that is what we need.

  7. 409, Trump can make Dems cross party lines and Cruz can't, and THAT'S your platform ???????????????????????????????????????????????


    Just Wow.

    I'd have expected Sowell to have at least backed Carson.

    1. After Saturday you won't have a clear view of Cruz platform. It will be GONE!!!
      TRUMP 2016

  8. All Republicans should vote for Trump in the primaries. That way the Democrats will be energized to get out the vote in the general election.

  9. While I love Thomas Sowell, I also respect Trump's success. Chances are, if Trump is as smart and astute as he seems to be, he would do well to tap Dr. Sowell to assist and guide him on how to undo a lot of the economic mess created by the last three presidents. If anyone could figure out the maze of legislative web-network and provide workable solutions to its untangling, it would be this man. He might not like Trump but Sowell loves America too much to tell Trump no if asked for help!


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