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Friday, February 19, 2016

Ted Cruz To Donald Trump: Put Up Or Shut Up With Lawsuit Threats

GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has a message for Donald Trump: Go ahead and sue me or move on with your campaign.

Cruz revealed that Trump’s lawyers have demanded his campaign pull a TV ad titled “Supreme Trust,” which highlights a clip of Donald Trump stating that he would not ban partial-birth abortions.

Trump’s lawyers argue the ad is defamatory and libelous. Cruz disagrees.

“Donald, if you want to file a lawsuit challenging this ad, claiming it’s defamation, file the lawsuit,” he said.

“His own words said on national television are a matter of public record,” the Harvard-educated Senator said. “By definition, repeating someone’s own words cannot be defamation.”

“Once again, what he said on national television is that he is very pro-choice. He would not ban partial-birth abortion, and he is pro-choice in every respect,” Cruz added.



  1. I love the picture.
    And I love the sentiment. Put up or shut up.

  2. Trump may win the primary, but he is unstable. The electorate is foolish enough to allow it. Reminds me of the 2007 Obama fanatics.

  3. So, start the lawsuit now. After the election it will be too late!
    We don't want a Canadian running our country any more than a Kenyan!

  4. Wow,only geniuses have commented thus far, lol.

  5. I love that Donald didn't have to bring on the lawsuit, one of Dr. Carson's followers did.

  6. Cruz? Who is he? Kinda like Bernie! Life time in politics and have zero legacy. Trump house hold name.

  7. Funny that another lawyer took Cruz up on it. A hearing is set for March 1 (Super Tuesday no less) for a review on his birth situation. Frankly, I am a bit amazed that Cruz and Obama were ever allowed to register to run, much less be the POTUS. Why? Well, let's look at history, shall we. We had 43 presidents prior to these two and yet not one had this 'issue.' Yet, two LAWYERS (people well versed in how to spin law like cotton candy) come forth and challenge the norm.

    Personally, I don't feel comfortable with citizens having dual citizenship or not being born to two American or not being born on American soil being my president. Why? Well, Dual citizenship by it's definition is divided allegiance. Not being born on American soil is often problematic because countries like Canada require newborns to have only Canadian citizenship. Meaning, he was certified as a Canadian at birth. Cruz immigrated in early 70s, didn't gain citizenship papers until '86 and up until 15 months ago, had dual citizenship.

    Now, if 43 previous presidents were held to this standard, and we see what Obama has done to fundamentally change this country, why on earth are we entertaining this exact scenario again? Haven't we had enough?


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