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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Islamization of American Schools

Apparently American Muslims are not American. Oh, they may think they are, but this is evidently not the case. Normal Americans go to work every day and send their normal American kids off to school. They don’t consider themselves particularly special. They don’t ask others for a carve out or to be celebrated as being different. They are just Americans.

I’m sure many American Muslims think this way. I’m sure they don’t consider themselves special. They want to be treated like everyone else. They say they don’t wish to be treated differently than any other American. But is this really true?

Evidently not, at least far as the school administrators at the New York World School of Inquiry, in Rochester NY are concerned. A request from a single Muslim student prompted Principal Sheela Webster to host a “World Hijab Day event the week of February 1 which ‘encouraged girls to wear the Muslim religious head covering.’”

And what made “World Hijab Day” so much more special – not a single parent was notified ahead of the event. They found out about it on the news, which being New York, probably breathlessly reported on it, extolling the schools diversity and inclusion.


  1. If they want to wear Hajibs why live in America? It stands for everything that is not American.

  2. Can anyone tell me when the majority first started to bend over to the minority?


  3. Guess they'll be scheduling yamaka day next week and rosary day the week following.

  4. Two Things Could Be TrueFebruary 17, 2016 at 9:38 PM

    Simply put, if you take God out of school then Allah has to go right along with him.


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