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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Anger Builds Where Obama Seeks Shelter for Immigrant Children

Amid a resurgence in the pace of unaccompanied migrant children crossing the U.S. border, President Barack Obama is facing angry opposition as he searches for places to house them temporarily.

The administration is attempting to assemble a network of shelters on military bases and other federal facilities to lodge thousands of children awaiting immigration proceedings after leaving El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. That’s hit a nerve in communities, some in crucial presidential swing states such as Colorado and Florida, where potential facilities were announced without community input and later scrapped.

“I don’t want a military base to be an orphanage,” said Veronica Kemeny, president of the Republican Veterans of Florida, who lives in Panama City near an Air Force Base that was named as a potential shelter.

Ten additional military bases were placed under review by the government. Six were dropped as potential sites last week, leaving under consideration bases in Illinois, Pennsylvania, Alabama and California, according to Defense Department spokesman Tom Crosson.

In Ohio, Republican Governor and presidential candidate John Kasich in December denied requests by the Obama administration to use the state’s National Guard facilities to house children.

In Florida, before it was crossed it off the list last week, Obama’s plan to house children at Tyndall Air Force Base outside Panama City had turned into a political fight in a heated congressional race featuring two Republicans trying to unseat a Democratic incumbent.



  1. House them with registered sex offenders, bet after a week there they run back home!

  2. Somerset County could be ground zero. Plans are in the works for a mosque and right next to it will be a homeless shelter constructed with Federal dollars. There is already a large Muslim population in Montgomery County but the push is to integrate them into rural communities. UMES is supporting the push with Muslim professors promoting the religion and heading the construction of the mosque.
    Questions should be directed to UMES or Somerset Planning and Zoning.
    A Muslim poultry processing plant is working out a deal to be in the Princess Anne Industrial Park. The EDC director, Danny Thompson is working to make it happen.

  3. 12:30 Good, this is the United States, and they should be given the same opportunity to worship. I'm glad you brought this story to our attention, so we know where donations can be directed to.


  4. obama is fleecing the american people in their minds and their pocketbooks,which he has done since he took office REALLY, obamaphones and medicaid for illegals???????? time to get the democrats from all public office,then we may see a change

  5. 12:48pm
    Hopefully you'll be one of the first to be extinguished by their suicide bombers.


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