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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Survey: 1 in 4 Federal Employees Say They Will Consider Quitting If Trump Elected

One in four federal employees say they would consider leaving their jobs if GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is elected president, according to a new survey.

The trade publication Government Executive reports that a survey of federal employees found that 14 percent said they would consider leaving the federal service if Trump were elected. Another 11 percent said “maybe.”

Democrats and Democrat-leaners were more likely to say they would bail on their job if Trump were elected — 26 percent of whom said they would definitely leave compared to 4 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaners. Another 16 percent of Democrats and Democrat-leaners said they would “maybe” leave compared to 4 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaners.

Just 48 percent of Democrats and Democrat-leaners said they would definitely remain in government if Trump were elected. Eighty-nine percent of Republicans and Republican-leaners said they would stay if Trump were elected.



  1. This right here is enough reason for me to vote for Trump! Downsize the government by 25%...dare for us to dream.

  2. I wish more of them would leave--closer to 99% would be awesome

  3. Great! They probably figure they better quit before the Donald fires them!

  4. one in four may be fired if trump is elected

  5. Easily 60% could leave with no adverse impact to government operations - rather things would get better!

  6. great start, can we get it to 50%?

  7. If government is against him, then I am now for him, the Donald now has my vote.

  8. Another reason to vote for Trump, downsize the bloated government.

  9. Great news!!!! I agree with the other comments....maybe move that a little past 50% and we would see some real savings from the government!!!

  10. I am a dem, byeeeeeeee.

  11. Less to be fired!

  12. Wow. Such a bold statement. I am voting for trump because I would love to see government reduced by 25%. If they feel that strongly then they are probably not needed anyway and have had a free ride for long enough.

  13. A vote for trump is a vote to reduce government. A vote for Hillary is the same old same old as the last 8 years.

  14. Somehow I doubt anyone is going anywhere, unless they're someone in the upper echelons of a department and can easily shift to the private sector.

  15. This is wonderful news. Every working or retired taxpayer should now vote for Trump.

  16. 12:53 But, then they would actually have to do something. No public sector worker wants that.

  17. N=100?
    Nice try with that survey.

  18. 1:27 How misguided you are...

  19. They could reduce government employees by half and probably accomplish more. Has anyone ever watched government employees at work? I know there are some good dedicated employees but many put in the time looking busy for a good paycheck

  20. This is great news for the country and Trump. It will save him the trouble of saying "YOUR FIRED !!!"

  21. Trump needs to include this in his campaign material!

  22. It wouldn't solve all our problems, but would be an excellent start.

  23. 2 out of 4 need to be fired.

  24. Probably because Trump will be bringing all those great good paying manufacturing jobs back home to America! Less Government, more private sector jobs!

    I say, YES!

  25. Great !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. I know a lot of people who would like those jobs and their benefits.

  27. no one would even notice that they r gone

  28. Awesome! Job openings for those who want to work....(and those who don't, well f them!)

  29. Good. A lot less to fire.

  30. I thought those government employees "had gone" Still waiting on my 1099 so I can file my taxes. Been retired 16 years and the 1099 is always late.


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