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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Congressman Cummings Has Hours To Decide Whether To Run For Senate

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Will he or won’t he? A high stakes political waiting game is underway involving whether Congressman Elijah Cummings will give up his Congressional seat to run for Senate. He’s got just 48 hours to make up his mind.

Meghan McCorkell has more as the deadline looms.

We spoke with Congressman Cummings’ spokesperson, who says he will file before the Wednesday deadline but won’t say what he’s filing for.

A Congressman for 20 years, Cummings is often in the national spotlight and is the ranking member on the House Oversight Committee.

“Government is about the business of serving people and helping them live better lives, not hurting them,” Cummings said.



  1. If he's truly about not hurting people, he should resign now!

  2. I hope he gives up his Congressional seat and a Republican wins it, then he loses to a Republican in the Senate race.

    This Racist pig needs to die. He has been sucking off the government teat for way to long.

  3. O Malley wasted a great opportunity here. He should have run for senate not his pie in sky pres run.

  4. who would be surprised if MoM went ahead and filed, anyway? what else has he to do? don't see him helping ol' Anthony out in his race - oh, is that racist?

  5. I'll say it again. Maryland and the Nation need Democrats more than ever now. We need them to vote for Republicans. If you continue to vote for Democrats you are hurting yourself. Not only a guarantee of higher taxes but for more Government control and loss of freedoms. Voting for Democrats will also guarantee you more open and lawless borders, thousands and thousands of Muslims being brought here to live off your earnings and future, and a continuation of a national debt that will bankrupt America.

  6. Just remember, this is the guy who stonewalled Gowdy at every turn with the Benghazi investigation. He has been obstructing justice in that situation. His truculence continually obstructed the committee's efforts to get to the truth regarding the incident as well as HRC's participation in the death of four Americans in her charge and the insidious lies she told those families about that stupid video.

  7. What differance does it Make? He is ineffective and incomptent in his current position. Changing jobs doesn't change the person; he still will be an ineffective, divisive, incomptent democrat stooge.

  8. Worst person for blacks.

  9. Someone please let us know that his time ran out!

  10. retire you waste of air!! Useless I say...USELESS!

  11. I nominate him as the U.S. Ambassador to Liberia. What he's done at home he can do there.

  12. This POS won't resign. Not too mention his inept constituents will vote for him. They want some OBAMA MONEY! !!

  13. BLM hmmm?? Must not. You keep voting for this community organizer.

  14. I concur. He is one of the reasons gov't is so bad.


  15. Cummings is a useful for Socialist Dems. That's it.

    He should have made serious to upgrade his ride when Sarbanes retired.

    If he runs and loses, 'nuf said. If he runs and wins he becomes a junior senator in what figures to be a Republican Senate. Big fish to small potato. Pay is the same. He's in safe district now; they'll re-elect him until 10-20 years after he dies.

    More interesting question is who has filed, for both parties?

  16. Cummings was afraid of the IQ test for being in the Senate.
    There isn't actually any such thing, but they told Cummings it was a requirement, and being one of the stupidest people "in the business", he dropped his idea right away.
    Stupid doesn't quite describe the enormity of his delusional reality.
    That man could step in front of a speeding train, get turned into a unrecognizable mess, and his IQ would go UP.
    Keep cheering.

  17. Cummings useless...the end.


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