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Monday, February 29, 2016

Speaker Ryan: Congress Will Fight Obama Efforts to Ignore Pro-Israel Law

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) told the Washington Free Beacon on Friday that Congress will fight against an Obama administration decision to not enforce portions of a new bill aimed at strengthening the U.S.-Israel economic relationship and combating boycotts on the Jewish state.

Ryan’s statement comes in response to a White House effort to waive portions of a new bipartisan trade bill that would boost U.S.-Israel economic ties and fight against the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, or BDS, which seeks to economically isolate Israel.

Top Democrats recently broke with the White House’s position on the bill, accusing it of lying about its pro-Israel provisions. These Democrats—including Sens. Harry Reid (Nev.), Chuck Schumer (N.Y.), Ron Wyden (Ore.), Ben Cardin (Md.), Michael Bennet (Colo.), and Richard Blumenthal (D., Conn.)—demanded that the president follow the law as Congress wrote it.

Ryan agreed with his colleagues across the aisle, telling the Free Beacon that congressional leaders will use their oversight authority to ensure that the pro-Israel measures are upheld.

“Only this administration would try not to enforce a trade enforcement law. These provisions, which I was involved in negotiating as Ways and Means chairman, are designed to shield our ally Israel from delegitimization efforts and economic attacks,” Ryan said.

“They are now the law of the land. The president should listen to leaders in his own party, and follow the law,” he added. “We will use our oversight capacity to ensure these measures are faithfully enforced.”

More here


  1. The President should be doing a lot of things. The one thing I want him not to screw up on is leaving office.

  2. Is it a secret that he wants to cripple then eliminate Israel?

  3. Israel must go away. It is the biggest threat to world peace (other than the US government).

  4. 2:04 the U.S. will go away before that happens. Israel has got major protection (not the U.S.). Why do you think it even exists now?


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