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Monday, February 29, 2016

Planned Parenthood Touts Seven-Figure Ad Buy for Hillary Clinton

Any American who says abortion is not an important issue in the 2016 campaign will get an argument from abortion-business leader Planned Parenthood, which is promising to spend at least $10 million to aid Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in Michigan, Virginia, and Texas.

“The abortion part of Planned Parenthood is an important part of what we do,” its president Cecile Richards said this past week, according to the Boston Globe.

Richards was responding to the fact that GOP 2016 candidate Donald Trump said he would eliminate taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood as long as they perform abortions but added the organization does “some good work” for “millions” of women.

To protect its abortion business from Republicans — who generally believe the organization should not receive taxpayer funds — Planned Parenthood will use videos, digital ads, phone banks, and in-home mailers in support of Clinton.

More here


  1. Cut off ALL tax payer monies being given to them, if they have enough to donate to political causes.

  2. Save your Money for when she goes to prison ...

    you can fill up her Commissary Account in jail!

  3. How can they spend so much on an ad? If they can do that then they don't need tax paying money.map

  4. Got to keep killing babies and selling those parts at all costs!!

  5. I am embarrassed by what our political process has become.

  6. That's MY money. Stop this Crap now.

  7. Just donating tax dollars they already got.

  8. Criminals with vested interest


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