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Sunday, February 07, 2016

Salisbury’s Best-in-Maryland Drinking Water to Compete for National Title

Salisbury – Mayor Jake Day is pleased to announce that the City’s drinking water, which was awarded Best Tasting Water in Maryland by the Maryland Rural Water Association, will compete for the title of Best Tasting Water in America at the National Rural Water Association’s “Great American Water Taste Test” competition on February 10th, in Washington, D.C.

Every year, state affiliates of the National Rural Water Association hold local contests to select a state-level winner. A gallon of each state’s winning water is then sent for judging as part of the NRWA’s annual Rural Water Rally. A round of tasting is held, and a panel of judges selects five finalists. The final five samples are judged by a V.I.P panel at the Rural Water Luncheon on the final day of the rally. Entries are judged on clarity, bouquet, and taste.

Salisbury’s water brought home the Best in Maryland trophy last May. Judges for the “Toasting the Tap” competition evaluated samples from around the state, grading each on taste, appearance, and odor. Salisbury’s winning sample was collected from the Paleo Water Treatment Plant on Scenic Drive.

Salisbury has 11 wells which draw from the shallow unconfined Coastal Plain aquifer. The City’s water treatment process includes aeration, pre-chlorination, filtration, iron removal, disinfection, corrosion control, and fluoride addition. Last year the City produced over 2 billion gallons of clean, drinkable, delicious water.

2015 marks the third time Salisbury’s water has been recognized as the Best in Maryland, having previously taken the trophy in both 2008 and 2009.


  1. My water smells like chlorine....

  2. If that mega industrial chicken house project goes up on the corner of Log Cabin Road and North West Road, we will eventually loose that title to the pollution that will be caused by this operation. The operation will be on top of the Paleo Channel which is Salisbury's, and Delmar's drinking water supply. It's not some simply family farm operation either! If you value having good drinking water, we need to fight this from being built!

  3. Was this a bought title just like all America city?

  4. Does that include best overflow tank taste lol.

  5. Best sewer runoff into fresh water system.
    Is the idiot X mayor ireton big idea???

  6. 6:34 that's a great question. Google "Harvard medicine fluoride study"

  7. Pittsville will never get it.

  8. I had NFI contests of this nature even existed. Seems like a good budget cutting crop to me. I'm sure I'm paying for it.

  9. Donuts, Pizza, French Fries, Ice Cream, Chips, Cupcakes... We all know that if something tastes good its probably bad for you.

  10. is this a joke? my water tastes like, yuk. I buy bottled water. I never drink tap water. Enjoy your toxic fluoride water.

  11. 5:50, my bet is they get the award by getting the water straight from the Paleo, before the chlorine, fluoride, etc. are added.

  12. Mine is really good and I live in Salisbury & am on city water.

  13. If you drink Pepsi products in and around Salisbury, they're made at the local Pepsi plant with the same water that comes from the tap. So are the beers made in Salisbury (Evo has its own well, which used to be the ice plant's, but the water's from the same aquifer. Rubber Soul uses city tap water.)

    We've lived in several places outside of Salisbury and the water here is way better in the city.

  14. 5:45
    I always thought Delmar was in a confined source.

  15. Maybe they are competing against cities like Flint, Michigan

  16. Didn't we just win the award for the drunkest city in Maryland. All this fresh clean tasty fluoride water and we only drink booze.

  17. Wake up Jake Day. Open your eyes to the cities water getting ready to be destroyed if the "Mega Chicken Factory" is allowed to be built at Naylor Mill and West Rd., directly over the Paleo Channel.

  18. Two Things Could Be TrueFebruary 4, 2016 at 7:21 PM

    This city has won awards for best drinking water? Really? Every time I tried to drink the water in Salisbury, it tasted like drinking pool water. Chlorine overload. I had to put a special filter on my shower so my skin would stop looking like I had scales. You have to be kidding me.

  19. Bs, we had to install a filter on ours so we could have decent coffee & a glass of water that doesn't smell like bleach.

  20. 5:45
    You r correct. This operation is huge! & may I say, if the prospective farmer were American, U.S. born citizen, this would never get any consideration. Honchos don't want to be accused of racism. So pakastani's can propose whatever they want. The rest of us would be laughed out of the licensing bureau.

  21. Meanwhile, back at the farm, Big Chicken is about to poison the Paleochannel!

    Will Jake Day stand up to Perdue -- ie, his dad -- on that one???

  22. I like the water from the rockies

  23. Ireton and Jake will both be immaculated if Salisbury wins best in the nation.His congressional seat will be a shoe in and Jake will run for Governor.This is yuge.

  24. and the Wicomico is the cleanest river in America, and also a place you can catch floating carp ready for the frying pan - you don't even need bait


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