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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Racism Uproar Over Skincare Images

The taxpayer-funded chancellor at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is backtracking furiously after she cried racism because two students posted a Snapchat image of themselves standing in a dorm with a dark, ink-like facial skincare treatment carefully smeared all over their faces.

On Thursday morning, Beverly Kopper, UW-Whitewater’s $238,000-per-year chancellor, composed a lengthy statement about her plan for massive action in response to the the skincare image, reports local CBS affiliate WISC-TV.



  1. What was offensive.

  2. Total lack of common sense in this country....and have you ever noticed most of these people are highly educated?

  3. Silly, PC-BS is rampant.

  4. Look like skin care mud-packs to me. Saw a green cucumber one once, guess they couldn't use that either in case they piss off the Martians!

  5. They walk among us.

    And we hold them in such high regard.. the intelligentsia, the 'educated ones..'

    And you are paying them tens of thousands of dollars a year to educate your son or daughter.

    I'd re-think that if I were you.

  6. This stupidity has got to stop!


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