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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

North Korean Satellite Could Carry EMP Capability

At the risk of quibbling with President Obama about the most serious threat facing America, I’m not sure I would rank global warming quite up there with some others . . . like say, for example, a small nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) device detonated from orbit that would fry all electronic devices throughout most of the nation.

On Jan. 30, the same month Kim Jong Un’s regime conducted its fourth nuclear test (the third since President Obama took office), North Korea launched a three-stage rocket into space carrying what the hermit nation purported to be an Earth observation satellite — part of a “peaceful space program.” OK, call me a pessimist, but I doubt that Pyongyang’s ultimate intent is to orbit weather satellites or atmospheric CO2 monitoring instruments.

The inconvenient truth might be something entirely different.

Back in 2007, then-presidential candidate Sen. Obama proposed a “get-tough” policy in Foreign Affairs magazine, writing: “We must develop a strong international coalition to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and eliminate North Korea’s nuclear weapons program,” because “Iran and North Korea could trigger regional arms races, creating dangerous nuclear flashpoints in the Middle East and East Asia.” Yes, and not to his credit, he got that assessment totally right.

More here


  1. They are just waiting for the right moment to push the button. Probably when we are under Marshall law because of the worldwide economic crash and the start of WWIII in the Middle East which will probably not be too far off.

  2. EMP is the preferred (and currently the only) option the NKoreans and Iranians have to nuke us. They don't have to be accurate; it doesn't have to be a big blast, just get it up overhead and let 'er rip.

    Whether they launch a scud missile from an old freighter off our coast or manage to do it from an orbital route (like their recent 'satellite' track right over the Super Bowl stadium), it can be done just about any time they decide to do it.

    Are we ready? Of course not.

    Why not?

    Ask the dude in the White House (if you can catch him between golf rounds.)

  3. 2:34: Take a breath (and your meds) Chicken Little. None of that is going to happen in your lifetime.

  4. Hey 3:22 Bless Your Heart, Gotta love a Mind like Yours!

  5. At one time I would not care but under the current governing administration who doesn't care about protecting this country, you better worry.


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