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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

KY Dem's Bill Would Require Wife's Permission For Viagra

A Kentucky lawmaker has put forward a bill that would require men to visit a doctor at least twice and obtain a signed permission slip from their wives before they could obtain a prescription for the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra.

State Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, a Democrat, acknowledged to the Louisville Courier-Journal that the bill has no chance of passing. However, she said the bill was a response to several anti-abortion measures, including a recently ratified law that requires a woman seeking an abortion to get counseling at least 24 hours in advance from a health professional.

In an opinion piece, Marzian said her bill is meant to "illustrate the absurdity of government encroachment into women's personal and medical decisions currently running amok in the Kentucky General Assembly and [Gov. Matt] Bevin administration."

Marzian's bill specifies that only married men can obtain Viagra and a prospective patient must "make a sworn statement with his hand on a Bible that he will only use a prescription for a drug for erectile dysfunction when having sexual relations with his current spouse."



  1. The taxpayers paid her salary to come up with THIS joke piece of legislation?
    If she wants to be make political commentary, be an editorial writer.
    If THAT is the best and most important work she can do, I suggest her job is not important. Her constituents are struggling to pay the bills and she wastes their time with this crap and THEN acts like she's done something funny, too?
    She, too, has forgotten her place.
    Keep cheering.

  2. Add an amendment to this bill to include that wife must get her husbands approval to cut her hair !

  3. Same old liberal bs. They would take credit for the sun coming up if they thought we were stupid enough to believe them.She is partly responsible for the mess Baltimore (Thugatopia)is in now.

  4. Yet she votes for women controlling their own bodies.

  5. Boy, talking about people missing the point...

  6. Democrats are always looking to control someone.


  7. And if he gets the prescription his dutiful current spouse cannot have a headache once he tells her he plans to take a pill!


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